【驚き値段で】★Tiki Farm ティキ マグ The Victor (Darker) ウォリアー系マグ Derek Yaniger!! 新品 big bang theory
The Victor To The Victor Go The Spoils! ※1体の価格です。 On a remote jungle island in the Pacific, legend has it that there exists a people known as the Oop-Pop-a-Da tribe. The warriors in this tribe are so fierce and so savage that every full moon, they will battle each other to the death just for the privilege of drinking from the Warrior Victory Goblet! Ancient tribal lore has it that he who drinks from the sacred goblet shall be rewarded with power and riches beyond imagination (your results may vary)! Now you too, friend of Tiki Farm, have the rare opportunity to drink from this goblet, without all the tiresome club wielding and risk of bludgeoning! Show no mercy and take no prisoners as you claw your way to the winner's circle and drink in the sweet nectar of triumph! Toast your rise to power with your very own Warrior Victory Goblet, aka "The Victor"! To The Victor Go The Spoils!! The Victor is 7" tall and holds 17 oz. Mug art by Derek Art. Tiki Farmの2014年リリースの人気マグ「The VICTOR」のクールなスペシャル・グレイズ版! 太平洋のジャングル島の戦士をイメージしたウォリアー系のKU「The Victor」。 アートワークはBrian Setzerのジャケでもお馴染みDerek Yaniger! こちらは以前のベージュ系から、よりオールドな雰囲気を醸し出すダークブラウンの塗料のバリエーションとなり、 エイリアンアイズ、オープンマウスとウォリアーのツボはそのまま、ポップなセンスで勝利の象徴として仕上げられてます! ハンドル付きのマグというのも希少かも.... 高さ:約18cm ACE CAFE LONDON、LUCKY13、Sailor Jerry、THRASHER等~アメキャラ・企業ロゴ等ライセンスTシャツ、RATFINK関連品、バンドTシャツ等取り扱っております。 ** 他にも色々出品中です。 CWKTGT IWOT
The Victor
To The Victor Go The Spoils!
On a remote jungle island in the Pacific,
legend has it that there exists a people known as the Oop-Pop-a-Da tribe.
The warriors in this tribe are so fierce and so savage that every full moon,
they will battle each other to the death just for the privilege of drinking from the Warrior Victory Goblet!
Ancient tribal lore has it that he who drinks from the sacred goblet shall be rewarded with power and riches beyond imagination (your results may vary)!
Now you too, friend of Tiki Farm, have the rare opportunity to drink from this goblet,
without all the tiresome club wielding and risk of bludgeoning!
Show no mercy and take no prisoners as you claw your way to the winner's circle and drink in the sweet nectar of triumph!
Toast your rise to power with your very own Warrior Victory Goblet, aka "The Victor"!
To The Victor Go The Spoils!!
The Victor is 7" tall and holds 17 oz.
Mug art by Derek Art.
Tiki Farmの2014年リリースの人気マグ「The VICTOR」のクールなスペシャル・グレイズ版!
太平洋のジャングル島の戦士をイメージしたウォリアー系のKU「The Victor」。
アートワークはBrian Setzerのジャケでもお馴染みDerek Yaniger!
ACE CAFE LONDON、LUCKY13、Sailor Jerry、THRASHER等~アメキャラ・企業ロゴ等ライセンスTシャツ、RATFINK関連品、バンドTシャツ等取り扱っております。
** 他にも色々出品中です。
** 他にも色々出品中です。
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