写真同じです収穫の前に被覆を施されることで、甘くまろやかな味わいとなる玉露。 そして、太陽の光を燦燦と受けて育った新芽を使い、さわやかな香と味わいが特徴の煎茶。 玉露と煎茶の中でも、特に丁寧にそだてられ製茶された高級茶葉で作った詰め合わせです。 古都を彷彿させる和紙を使用した缶にいれました。大切な方への贈り物に最適です。 Gyokuro is covered with a coating before harvesting, giving it a sweet and mellow taste. Sencha, which uses sprouts grown in the sunshine, is characterized by its refreshing aroma and taste. An assortment of high-quality tea leaves that have been carefully grown and processed among Gyokuro and Sencha. I put it in a can using Japanese paper reminiscent of the ancient city. The perfect gift for your loved ones. 玉露在收割前塗上一層塗層,味道甜美醇厚。 煎茶使用在陽光下生長的豆芽,其特點是香氣和味道清新。 在玉露和煎茶之間精心種植和加工的各種優質茶葉。 我把它放在一個罐子裡,它使用了讓人想起古城的日本紙。 送給親人的完美禮物。
Gyokuro is covered with a coating before harvesting, giving it a sweet and mellow taste.
Sencha, which uses sprouts grown in the sunshine, is characterized by its refreshing aroma and taste.
An assortment of high-quality tea leaves that have been carefully grown and processed among Gyokuro and Sencha.
I put it in a can using Japanese paper reminiscent of the ancient city. The perfect gift for your loved ones.
我把它放在一個罐子裡,它使用了讓人想起古城的日本紙。 送給親人的完美禮物。