商品説明■ブランド:Fillico フィリコ■商品名:空ボトル フラワーデザイン ■商品状態:中古■商品ランク:Bランク/傷や汚れがある■付属品:なし■カラー: ブルー■外装状態:擦り傷有り,経年劣化有り,汚れ有り■全体状態:傷・汚れ・使用感のある通常中古品。■ご注意:店頭併売品の為、写真や記載のない傷や汚れが生じる場合がございます。,PC環境により色合いは実際と異なる場合がございます。,■同梱一切不可■他商品とは同梱対応いたしません。他商品とは別口発送として新たに送料がかかりますので予めご了承下さい。,■中身のない空ボトルです。★中古品の為、多少のキズ・汚れ等の使用感がございます。★中身の臭いが残っている場合がございます。■在庫店舗:新宿本店■商品番号:23035323 Description■Brand: Fillico Fillico■Product name: Empty bottle, flower design ■Item condition: Used■Product rank: B rank/scratches and dirt■Accessories: None■Color: Blue■Exterior Condition: Scratched, aged, dirty■Overall condition: Normal used item with scratches, stains, and signs of use.■The item may have scratches or stains that are not shown in the photos or described in the description. The actual color may differ depending on the PC environment. The item will not be shipped together with any other items. The item will be shipped separately from other items and a new shipping fee will be charged. The bottle is empty. The item is a used item, so it has some scratches, stains, and other signs of use. The smell of the contents may still be present.■Stockists:Shinjuku Main Store■Item number:23035323この多言語商品説明は「RDX」 で作成されています。
Description■Brand: Fillico Fillico■Product name: Empty bottle, flower design ■Item condition: Used■Product rank: B rank/scratches and dirt■Accessories: None■Color: Blue■Exterior Condition: Scratched, aged, dirty■Overall condition: Normal used item with scratches, stains, and signs of use.■The item may have scratches or stains that are not shown in the photos or described in the description. The actual color may differ depending on the PC environment. The item will not be shipped together with any other items. The item will be shipped separately from other items and a new shipping fee will be charged. The bottle is empty. The item is a used item, so it has some scratches, stains, and other signs of use. The smell of the contents may still be present.■Stockists:Shinjuku Main Store■Item number:23035323この多言語商品説明は「RDX」
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