■ 形状 ● 20kg~1g 円筒型(OIML準拠)、 500mg~1mg 板状・線状(計量法準拠) ● 表面粗さ Rz 特級・1級: 2μm以下、 2級・3級: 10μm以下 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** Ko Murakami device standard weight (OIML cylinder type) set second grade (OIML M1 grade) 20 kg (10 kg - 10 mg) in total Entering case made of aluminum ※ Because weight exceeds 10 kg, the additional postage may be caused. ■Features ● Entering case made of aluminum ● It is a nonmagnetic stainless steel steel weight based on OIML standard. (internal structure utility model Registered 3003704th) ● I publish the JCSS logo mark proofreading certificate with at a rate separately. ※ For build-to-order manufacturing, it takes around 30 days to sending it.
● OIML規格に基づいた非磁性ステンレス鋼製分銅です。(内部構造実用新案登録済 第3003704号)
● JCSSロゴマーク付校正証明書は別途料金にて発行致します。
※ 受注生産のため、お届けには30日程度かかります。
■ 精度
● 特級・1級・2級・3級基準分銅
● 基準器検査成績書付
● 有効期間 特級:3年、1級・2級・3級:5年
※ 特級基準分銅については別途見積致します。
■ 材質
● 非磁性ステンレス鋼
● 磁化率(χ) 0.05以下
■ 形状
● 20kg~1g 円筒型(OIML準拠)、 500mg~1mg 板状・線状(計量法準拠)
● 表面粗さ Rz 特級・1級: 2μm以下、 2級・3級: 10μm以下
【Product description in English】
Ko Murakami device standard weight (OIML cylinder type) set second grade (OIML M1 grade) 20 kg (10 kg - 10 mg) in total
Entering case made of aluminum
※ Because weight exceeds 10 kg, the additional postage may be caused.
● Entering case made of aluminum
● It is a nonmagnetic stainless steel steel weight based on OIML standard. (internal structure utility model Registered 3003704th)
● I publish the JCSS logo mark proofreading certificate with at a rate separately.
※ For build-to-order manufacturing, it takes around 30 days to sending it.