52-0450.クローム23x3.00インチフロントホイールFXST84-99 商品詳細 クローム23x3.00インチフロントホイールFXST1984-1999 品番52-0450V-TWIN製 取り付けモデル FXST 1984-1995 FXDWG 1991-1995 FXWG 1984-1985 **在庫はありません。納期約10日間です。 VT No: 52-0450 Features a Replica 23" x 3.00" chrome rim, a chrome hub with 3/4" bearings, and 40 chrome spokes. If you would like your bike to shine this spring and give it a new life, check out our chrome 23" x 3.00" wheel. Featuring a 23" x 3.0" chrome drop center rim, steel hub assembled with bearings, races, seals and seal spacers, and finished off with glistening chrome spokes, this will bring the attention your bike deserves.We have done our homework on this one; wheel is already assembled and ready for 41mm forks on 1984-1995 FXST, FXDWG, FXWG with single disc. Tire and tube sold separately. Fits: FXST 1984-1995 FXDWG 1991-1995 FXWG 1984-1985 UOM: 1 - EA 注意事項 営業時間:11:00~19:00 毎週水曜日が定休日のため、お取引ご連絡、発送はできませんのでご了承下さい。 カチナパーツ電話078-856-2223 ******かんたん決済****住所:兵庫県神戸市東灘区御影郡家1-2-6 TEL:078-856-2223 FAX:078-856-5570
FXST 1984-1995
FXDWG 1991-1995
FXWG 1984-1985
VT No: 52-0450
Features a Replica 23" x 3.00" chrome rim, a chrome hub with 3/4" bearings, and 40 chrome spokes.
If you would like your bike to shine this spring and give it a new life, check out our chrome 23" x 3.00" wheel. Featuring a 23" x 3.0" chrome drop center rim, steel hub assembled with bearings, races, seals and seal spacers, and finished off with glistening chrome spokes, this will bring the attention your bike deserves.We have done our homework on this one; wheel is already assembled and ready for 41mm forks on 1984-1995 FXST, FXDWG, FXWG with single disc. Tire and tube sold separately.
FXST 1984-1995
FXDWG 1991-1995
FXWG 1984-1985
UOM: 1 - EA
+ + +この商品説明は
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