オープニング☆N.McLeod: Korea and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel + Album And Guide Book of Japan☆朝鮮韓国/日本/イスラエルの失われた10支族
Korea and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, with Korean, Japanese and Israelitish Illustrations. Yokohama, Published for the Author partly at C. Levy and the SeiShi Bunsha Co., 1879 (vi), 23 ページ23木版画図版 bound together with Album. And Guide Book of Japan from Satsuporo in the North to Kagishima in the South. With Historical and Statistical Notes. Published for the Author at the Seishi Bunsha Co., 1879. [9] ページ. 14木版画図版 絹装17.5x28cm 古本でありますことをご理解の上入札をお願いいたします。
Yokohama, Published for the Author partly at C. Levy and the SeiShi Bunsha Co., 1879
(vi), 23 ページ23木版画図版
bound together with
Album. And Guide Book of Japan from Satsuporo in the North to Kagishima in the South.
With Historical and Statistical Notes.
Published for the Author at the Seishi Bunsha Co., 1879.
[9] ページ. 14木版画図版
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