詳細 詳細 伸縮性の高いポリウレタン糸を綿糸でカバーリングした糸を高密度で編立てた素材を使用したテーラードジャケットです。肌触りは綿特有の柔らかさがありますが、高密度で編み立てることでハリ感が出て季節を問わず着用できます。度目をしっかり詰めることで肘の抜けがほとんどなく型崩れも起きにくいのが特長です。またストレッチ天竺素材は着用時に窮屈感がなく、身体の動きに合わせて適度に伸縮しますので動きやすく、光沢感を抑えることで同素材のトラウザー(JM4955)と組み合わせてビジネスでも着用できます。 This Stretch Jacket has an elastic feel due to threads comprised of cotton yarn surrounding a polyurethane core. The double-tailored pockets emphasizing a three-dimensional impression curve beautifully into a slightly roomy silhouette thanks to skilled artisans’ techniques. It is a jacket that can be worn in various situations. You can also enjoy pairing this jacket with trousers made from the same material.
JACKMAN【ジャックマン】Stretch Jacket
This Stretch Jacket has an elastic feel due to threads comprised of cotton yarn surrounding a polyurethane core. The double-tailored pockets emphasizing a three-dimensional impression curve beautifully into a slightly roomy silhouette thanks to skilled artisans’ techniques. It is a jacket that can be worn in various situations. You can also enjoy pairing this jacket with trousers made from the same material.