人気満点【新品】 シュプリーム SUPREME バンズ 12SS MC 418-000014-324 スエードミッドカットスニーカー 28.5cm Brown ブラウン
[Product description] Product name: Supreme SUPREME Vans 12SS MC 418-000014-324 Supreme mid-cut sneakers 28.5cm Brown Brown Brand manufacturer: SUPREME, VANS [Product condition] Usage: New *** Please be sure to read before purchasing *** It is 100% genuine. (Fake, replica, etc. will not be exhibited) We have been selling Supreme and streetwear for over 10 years. We will ship by mail pack. It will take 2 business days to ship. Non-refundable. Please note that if payment is not made within 48 hours, it will be treated as cancellation. *** We may refuse those who purchase at Yahoo auction for the first time, those who have a negative evaluation, those who are in China / Russia, those who are suspected of using an unclear address, etc. * ** ** If you have any questions, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Product name: Supreme SUPREME Vans 12SS MC 418-000014-324 Supreme mid-cut sneakers 28.5cm Brown Brown
Brand manufacturer: SUPREME, VANS
[Product condition]
Usage: New
*** Please be sure to read before purchasing ***
It is 100% genuine.
(Fake, replica, etc. will not be exhibited)
We have been selling Supreme and streetwear for over 10 years.
We will ship by mail pack.
It will take 2 business days to ship.
Please note that if payment is not made within 48 hours, it will be treated as cancellation.
*** We may refuse those who purchase at Yahoo auction for the first time, those who have a negative evaluation, those who are in China / Russia, those who are suspected of using an unclear address, etc. * ** **
If you have any questions, please contact us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you.
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