お取り寄せ商品につき、お客様への発送まで2-3週間を頂戴しております 商品名 Autoark カーシート 後部座席用オーガナイザー マルチポケット付き 旅行用収納バッグ(保温仕様) 標準 ブラック 1 ブランド名 Autoark 商品コメント Size11.8*10.2*5.5inches,Our materials and sizes are specially designed,please buy the Autoark trademarkbrThe quality is superior,reasonable price, quality assurance,and quality of service, will create a happy experience for our customerbrThe main compartment is made of special insulation material,enjoy a good performance and stability qualitybrThe most important feature of this product is the large storage space. You can store your magazines,CD,Tissue Box,drinks in itbrWonderful design and workmanship,Convenient installation,Wear-proof,long holding time.The tissues dispenser at the bottom of the bag helps keep clean tissues close at hand 税関で開封される可能性がございます
Autoark カーシート 後部座席用オーガナイザー マルチポケット付き 旅行用収納バッグ(保温仕様) 標準 ブラック 1
Size11.8*10.2*5.5inches,Our materials and sizes are specially designed,please buy the Autoark trademarkbrThe quality is superior,reasonable price, quality assurance,and quality of service, will create a happy experience for our customerbrThe main compartment is made of special insulation material,enjoy a good performance and stability qualitybrThe most important feature of this product is the large storage space. You can store your magazines,CD,Tissue Box,drinks in itbrWonderful design and workmanship,Convenient installation,Wear-proof,long holding time.The tissues dispenser at the bottom of the bag helps keep clean tissues close at hand