【商品詳細】 【木村陶峰】造 備前火襷焼茶入 茶叶罐 共箱 牙蓋 龍村織物仕覆付 画像の物が全てです。 画像をご覧の判断お願いします。 長期保管のため経年のキズ、痛みはみられますので中古品にご理解のある方の入札お願いします。 It's all about the image. Please look at the image and make a decision. As it is stored for a long time, there are scratches and pain over time, so please bid for the used item if you understand it. 【注意事項】 ※当方でもチェックはしておりますが、中には見落としている部分や記入漏れがあるかもしれません。基本的には現物優先の現状販売となりますので、ご了承ください。 ※落札後のキャンセルはご遠慮ください。 ※マイナス評価がある方、評価が(新規)の方、いたずらと当方が判断した場合、入札を取り消す場合がありますのでご理解ください。 ※オークション終了後、こちらからの連絡の後72時間以内にご連絡がない場合は、ご入札を削除(落札者の都合で)させて頂きます。 ※出品商品は当方の都合で出品を取り消す場合が有ります。 ※ノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願いします。 ※3月よりオークション決算方法が変更になりました。受け取り連絡をしていただかないと、入金がされない仕様になりましたので、商品到着後2日以内に受取り連絡ができる方のみのご入札をお願い致します。 ※部品・パーツなど写真に写っている物が全てになるので、部品・パーツが不足している場合もありますので、写真を見てご判断ください。写真に写っている以外の部品・パーツが不足していた場合の返金はお受けできませんのでご了承ください。 ※オークション出品しておりますが、希望落札価格に満たない場合、出品取り消しする事があります。 *We have checked it, but there may be some parts that are overlooked or omitted.Please understand that we are basically selling items in kind first. *Please refrain from cancelling after winning the bid. *Please understand that if you have a negative evaluation, the evaluation is (new), or we judge it to be mischievous, the bid may be canceled. *If you do not hear from us within 72 hours after the auction, we will delete your bid (due to the convenience of the successful bidder). *We may cancel the listing of the listed item due to our circumstances. *No claim, no return, please. *The auction settlement method has been changed since March.If you don't contact us to receive it, the payment will not be made, so please bid only for those who can contact us within 2 days of arrival. *As everything in the photo, such as parts and parts, is included, there may be a shortage of parts and parts, so please make a decision by looking at the photos.Please understand that we will not be able to accept a refund for missing parts or parts other than those shown in the photo. We are putting it up for auction, but if it is less than the desired winning bid price, we may cancel the listing.
【木村陶峰】造 備前火襷焼茶入 茶叶罐 共箱 牙蓋 龍村織物仕覆付
It's all about the image.
Please look at the image and make a decision.
As it is stored for a long time, there are scratches and pain over time, so please bid for the used item if you understand it.
*We have checked it, but there may be some parts that are overlooked or omitted.Please understand that we are basically selling items in kind first.
*Please refrain from cancelling after winning the bid.
*Please understand that if you have a negative evaluation, the evaluation is (new), or we judge it to be mischievous, the bid may be canceled.
*If you do not hear from us within 72 hours after the auction, we will delete your bid (due to the convenience of the successful bidder).
*We may cancel the listing of the listed item due to our circumstances.
*No claim, no return, please.
*The auction settlement method has been changed since March.If you don't contact us to receive it, the payment will not be made, so please bid only for those who can contact us within 2 days of arrival.
*As everything in the photo, such as parts and parts, is included, there may be a shortage of parts and parts, so please make a decision by looking at the photos.Please understand that we will not be able to accept a refund for missing parts or parts other than those shown in the photo.
We are putting it up for auction, but if it is less than the desired winning bid price, we may cancel the listing.
【古美味】不二窯 佐藤和子造 黄瀬戸蓋向付 五客 魯山人写 茶道具 保証品 K8uT
古高取平茶入 表千家十三代即中斎花押の逸品☆z344
【木村陶峰】造 備前火襷焼茶入 茶叶罐 共箱 牙蓋 龍村織物仕覆付