【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】VA / No Future: New Adventures In Pop Compilation【LP2021/2/26発売】:あめりかん・ぱい
【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】VA / No Future: New Adventures In Pop Compilation【LP2021/2/26発売】:あめりかん・ぱい
写真同じですDouble magenta colored vinyl LP pressing. If there is a collection that represents the better part of Elefant Records' philosophy, that collection is New Adventures In Pop. Betting on the unknown, on the new, on people who have something to say and who say it from the deepest honesty and most unexpected personalities... Because we believe that is where a good part of authenticity comes from in music - from the voices that are seeking out their own language without letting themselves be carried away by trends or waves, because we know that music is in constant motion and evolution, and that new artists need space to find it. With that in mind, commemorating the 50th release in this collection, we are releasing this compilation album - a precious double vinyl that includes a first selection of some of the songs that have been a part of this collection. The title references the really rough situation groups who want to get started and make themselves heard on the music scene are facing. And this release is even more relevant than ever today. Because of this, and because looking back - especially this kind of looking back - is always comforting. Let's go through it one by one: