写真同じです宙へ 音のかけはし 久乗おりんが星の形になりました。 澄んだ夜空に輝く美しい星に大切な人をかさね、 想いをはせながら、ひとりゆっくり音を鳴らしてみませんか? 遠い宙に想いを届けるおりんです。 Kyujo orin has now been transformed into a planet. As you ring it softly.let your thoughts soar up into the clean night sky where stars twinkle with celestial beauty, and remember your loved ones in peace. This Orin will convey your sentiments to their universe far, far away. 星 リンプラネット ヴィーナス 惑星のような形と玉りん棒がセットのおりんです。 書斎の机や本棚の上など、普段の部屋に宇宙の輝きをもたらします。 遠い宙に想いをはせながら、ゆっくりと深遠な音に耳を傾けてみてください。 With a planet-like frame and a crystal-like ball adorning the stick, RINPLANET creates a miniature cosmos in yours home, whether on a table or at the altar, with its distinctive features and reverberation of profound sound. COCORODUKI is round-shaped like the moon and watch over you. It easily blends in with your interior decorations, with grace and signified poise. 本体サイズ:幅120×高さ150×奥行60mm 撥サイズ:φ25×高さ59mm おりん:銅合金(銅メッキ) フレーム、ベース:真鍮(金紗) 撥:真鍮、アクリル樹脂
Kyujo orin has now been transformed into a planet.
As you ring it softly.let your thoughts soar up into the clean night sky
where stars twinkle with celestial beauty, and remember your loved ones in peace.
This Orin will convey your sentiments to their universe far, far away.
星 リンプラネット ヴィーナス
With a planet-like frame and a crystal-like ball adorning
the stick, RINPLANET creates a miniature cosmos in yours
home, whether on a table or at the altar, with its
distinctive features and reverberation of profound sound.
COCORODUKI is round-shaped like the moon and watch
over you. It easily blends in with your interior
decorations, with grace and signified poise.