【2024年製】World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History 商品説明 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History 93P。英語表記 コレクター放出品部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。 How it all began... To my own knowledge I started collecting stamps when I was ge I started collecting stamps when I was about three years old. Pretty and colorful to my eves, it enhanced the blue cover my mother ad given me with the explanation, that it had come from a far away country, belgium. At that occasion she also told me - as she would do many times in later years - of the customs and traditions of other people and early on awoke the desire within me to travel. My mother Elisabeth Haub, maiden name Schmitz-Scholl, was the heir of national trading house, and her correspondence within Germany as well as internationally was tremendous. Soon I would recognize - based on the Small stamp on the envelope - where the letter had its origin and I began to store the covers in a small shoe box ? that was the humble beginning of my life time passion and hobby. And as much as the collector of today enjoys the new purchase for his collection, he also vividly remembers just as intense the pride he experienced, when he was a little boy completing his first set of stamps. My personal review is not intended to be an assessment of my collection habits, but much more, by reviewing memories and recapturing the personal experiences and remembrance of the many people I was honored to meet and who have accompanied and supported me on my way. お探しの方、お好きな方いかがでしょうか。 中古品ですので傷・黄ばみ・破れ・折れ等経年の汚れはあります。表紙小傷、小汚れ。ご理解の上、ご入札ください。もちろん読む分には問題ありません。32711 注意事項 できる限りスムーズな取引を心がけておりますので、落札後2日以内にご連絡頂きますようお願い致します。 評価が悪い方からの入札は固くお断りします。評価の悪い方が入札された場合には予告なく削除する場合があります。 細部に至るまではチェックしておりませんので、書き込みや蔵書印等ある場合があります。ご理解の上、ご入札ください。 かんたん決済でお支払いいただいた場合には審査完了後の発送となります。 商品は入金確認後、通常1-2営業日中に発送させていただきますが、土日を挟む場合には、週明けの発送となる場合があります。 高額本や大きい本・厚いは本等はゆうパックにて発送いたします。 レターパックにつきましては日時指定はできません。 商品が届きましたら、お手数ですが受取連絡を行ってくださいますようお願いいたします。なお発送後数日経ちますとヤフーから自動で受け取り催促メールが届きますが、受取連絡はもちろん商品を受け取っていただいてからで結構です。 こちらの商品案内は 「■@即売くん5.30■ 」 で作成されました。 この他にも出品しておりますので宜しければご覧ください。
World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
93P。英語表記 コレクター放出品部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
How it all began...
To my own knowledge I started collecting stamps when I was
ge I started collecting stamps when I was about three years old.
Pretty and colorful to my eves, it enhanced the blue cover my mother ad given me with the explanation, that it had come from a far away country, belgium. At that occasion she also told me - as she would do many times in later years - of the customs and traditions of other people and early on awoke the desire within me to travel.
My mother Elisabeth Haub, maiden name Schmitz-Scholl, was the heir of national trading house, and her correspondence within Germany as well as internationally was tremendous. Soon I would recognize - based on the Small stamp on the envelope - where the letter had its origin and I began to store the covers in a small shoe box ? that was the humble beginning of my life time passion and hobby.
And as much as the collector of today enjoys the new purchase for his collection, he also vividly remembers just as intense the pride he experienced, when he was a little boy completing his first set of stamps.
My personal review is not intended to be an assessment of my collection habits, but much more, by reviewing memories and recapturing the personal experiences and remembrance of the many people I was honored to meet and who have accompanied and supported me on my way.
こちらの商品案内は 「■@即売くん5.30■
」 で作成されました。