【売れ筋】★Tiki Farm ティキ ファーム マグ THE HYPNOTIST 新品 mug Sam Gambino アラビック 催眠術師 タンブラー
THE HYPNOTIST If you have been following-us for a while, you may instantly recognize this design as “Gambino-style”. Sam Gambino has been onboard with Tiki Farm since the earliest 2000’s and is one of a handful of talented, Tiki enthusiast artists to ever work with Tiki Farm back in our earliest, fledgling years. Noted for his “Sam’s Shrunken Head” and “Mort, Maury and Merv” (The Tiki Bowling Bros), Sam has outdone himself here with The Hypnotist! The Hypnotist as you see, is glazed in an hombre/gradient red blue and he’s festooned with a bejeweled faux ruby embellishment on his turban, flanked with a faux-gold beaded embellishment. Super over the top, this 3-eyed wonder beguiles you and when doing so and when he has you in his trance, he has the added bonus of housing your desired libation! Get yours NOW! Artist: Sam Gambino Original release year: 2022 Capacity: 20 oz. Material: Ceramic stoneware Height: 6" ※一体の価格です。 Tiki Farmの22年リリースマグ「THE HYPNOTIST」 ティキファーム初期からコラボレートするティキ・アーティスト「Sam Gambino」(Sam’s Shrunken Headやボーリング・シリーズを手がけてます)のアラビアン・エキゾチカな催眠術師をモチーフにした異色のマグ! 花飾りのルビーが付いたターバンに,トランス状態を呼び込む三つ目の催眠術師!! 高さ15cm 新品 ※1個の価格です。 THRASHER、Sailor Jerry等~アメキャラ・企業ロゴTシャツ等ライセンスアイテム、ラットフィンク関連品、バンドTシャツ等取り扱っております。 ** 他にも色々出品中です。 CWLPpC IWTS
If you have been following-us for a while, you may instantly recognize this design as “Gambino-style”.
Sam Gambino has been onboard with Tiki Farm since the earliest 2000’s and is one of a handful of talented, Tiki enthusiast artists to ever work with Tiki Farm back in our earliest, fledgling years.
Noted for his “Sam’s Shrunken Head” and “Mort, Maury and Merv” (The Tiki Bowling Bros), Sam has outdone himself here with The Hypnotist!
The Hypnotist as you see, is glazed in an hombre/gradient red blue and he’s festooned with a bejeweled faux ruby embellishment on his turban, flanked with a faux-gold beaded embellishment. Super over the top, this 3-eyed wonder beguiles you and when doing so and when he has you in his trance, he has the added bonus of housing your desired libation!
Get yours NOW!
Artist: Sam Gambino
Original release year: 2022
Capacity: 20 oz.
Material: Ceramic stoneware
Height: 6"
Tiki Farmの22年リリースマグ「THE HYPNOTIST」
ティキファーム初期からコラボレートするティキ・アーティスト「Sam Gambino」(Sam’s Shrunken Headやボーリング・シリーズを手がけてます)のアラビアン・エキゾチカな催眠術師をモチーフにした異色のマグ!
THRASHER、Sailor Jerry等~アメキャラ・企業ロゴTシャツ等ライセンスアイテム、ラットフィンク関連品、バンドTシャツ等取り扱っております。
** 他にも色々出品中です。
** 他にも色々出品中です。
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