商品説明■ブランド:Fillico フィリコ■商品名:空ボトル フィリコ メタリック ピンク マイメロ サンリオ コレクション デザインボトル インテリア 剥げ有り■商品状態:中古■商品ランク:Bランク/傷や汚れがある■カラー: ピンク■外装状態:擦り傷有り,剥げ有り■全体状態:傷・汚れ・使用感のある通常中古品。■ご注意:店頭併売品の為、写真や記載のない傷や汚れが生じる場合がございます。,PC環境により色合いは実際と異なる場合がございます。,■中身のない空ボトルです。★中古品の為、多少のキズ・汚れ等の使用感がございます。★中身の臭いが残っている場合がございます。■在庫店舗:新宿本店■商品番号:23040167 Description■Brand:Fillico■Name:Empty Bottle Filico Metallic Pink My Melo Sanrio Collection Design Bottle Interior Peeling■Condition:Used■Rank:B rank/Excellent+■Color: pink■Exterior condition: Scratch,peeling off■Overall condition:A normal second-hand product with scratches, dirt, and a feeling of use.■please note:Please note that as we also sell this product in our physical store, there may be scratches or dirt,Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual ,■It is empty bottle without the contents. ★Because it is a used item, there may be some signs of use such as scratches and dirt. ★The contents may still have an odor.■Shop:Shinjyuku■Item Number:23040167この多言語商品説明は「RDX」 で作成されています。
Description■Brand:Fillico■Name:Empty Bottle Filico Metallic Pink My Melo Sanrio Collection Design Bottle Interior Peeling■Condition:Used■Rank:B rank/Excellent+■Color: pink■Exterior condition: Scratch,peeling off■Overall condition:A normal second-hand product with scratches, dirt, and a feeling of use.■please note:Please note that as we also sell this product in our physical store, there may be scratches or dirt,Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual ,■It is empty bottle without the contents. ★Because it is a used item, there may be some signs of use such as scratches and dirt. ★The contents may still have an odor.■Shop:Shinjyuku■Item Number:23040167この多言語商品説明は「RDX」
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