【あす楽】ゴールドファクトリー Gold's Factory GF00A GSS(#4493)Whispers of Dawn【ゴルフ】【送料無料】【パター】:GOLDS FACTORY
【あす楽】ゴールドファクトリー Gold's Factory GF00A GSS(#4493)Whispers of Dawn【ゴルフ】【送料無料】【パター】:GOLDS FACTORY
写真同じですこのパターは、朝の静寂と共に目覚めるゴルフの美しさを表現したいという思いから生まれました。「Whispers of Dawn」は、まるで新しい一日の始まりを告げる日の出の光が、静かに広がっていく瞬間を想起させます。24金メッキの煌めきは、夜明けのかすかな光を反映し、プレイヤーに新たな希望と無限の可能性を感じさせるようデザインされています。 私たちは、このパターを製作する際、一打一打が持つ重みや、ゴルフというゲームがもたらす静かな集中の時間を強く意識しました。そのため、このパターは単なる道具ではなく、プレイヤーの心に響く特別な存在となるよう、細部までこだわり抜いています。 #4493 (Subtitle: Whispers of Dawn) This putter was born from a desire to capture the serene beauty of golf as it awakens with the morning stillness. "Whispers of Dawn" evokes the gentle spread of light at sunrise, heralding the beginning of a new day. The 24K gold plating reflects the faint glimmers of dawn, designed to inspire a sense of hope and endless possibility for the player. In crafting this putter, we focused on the significance of each stroke and the quiet concentration that golf uniquely brings. Thus, this putter is not just a tool but a finely-tuned companion, crafted with meticulous attention to detail to resonate with the heart of the player.
#4493 (Subtitle: Whispers of Dawn)
This putter was born from a desire to capture the serene beauty of golf as it awakens with the morning stillness. "Whispers of Dawn" evokes the gentle spread of light at sunrise, heralding the beginning of a new day. The 24K gold plating reflects the faint glimmers of dawn, designed to inspire a sense of hope and endless possibility for the player.
In crafting this putter, we focused on the significance of each stroke and the quiet concentration that golf uniquely brings. Thus, this putter is not just a tool but a finely-tuned companion, crafted with meticulous attention to detail to resonate with the heart of the player.