A replica of antique silk crepe fabric was arranged in a simple manner and oshie (raised pictures) were scattered over it, starting from the top. You can use it any way you wish: Display it as it is, of course, or set it up as a background for dolls or some other decorations. You can also write something in the plain areas.
押絵裂どり屏風 小 Folding screens with raised pictures made using overlapping fabric scraps, Small 弊社代表・黒竹節人が企画デザインした商品です
size 横90×縦48cm(片面) 素材 正絹 生産国 日本製 特徴とご注意点 両縞 秋草 Strips on both edges Autumn flowers 古布を復元したちりめん生地をシンプルに配しその上から押絵を散りばめました。そのままで飾る事はもちろん、人形や飾り物の後ろに立てたり、白地部分に文字を書いたりとお好みでお使い下さい。 A replica of antique silk crepe fabric was arranged in a simple manner and oshie (raised pictures) were scattered over it, starting from the top. You can use it any way you wish: Display it as it is, of course, or set it up as a background for dolls or some other decorations. You can also write something in the plain areas. *生地の柄の部分につきまして:商品一点一点柄の見える位置が異なる為、画像と若干、異なりますがご了承下さいませ *こちらの商品は納期に2~3ヶ月お時間をいただいております(在庫がある場合は即納が可能です) 在庫や商品についてなど、お気軽にお尋ね下さいませ。 こちらは、弊社代表・黒竹節人が企画デザインした商品です 長年、京都の伝統文化を重んじ、建築、美術など様々な分野で培ったデザインセンスによる商品群は巧みです 是非一品、お部屋におすすめ致します その他のKUROTAKEコレクションはこちら
A replica of antique silk crepe fabric was arranged in a simple manner and oshie (raised pictures) were scattered over it, starting from the top. You can use it any way you wish: Display it as it is, of course, or set it up as a background for dolls or some other decorations. You can also write something in the plain areas.
押絵裂どり屏風 小
Folding screens with raised pictures made using overlapping fabric scraps, Small
両縞 秋草
Strips on both edges Autumn flowers
A replica of antique silk crepe fabric was arranged in a simple manner and oshie (raised pictures) were scattered over it, starting from the top. You can use it any way you wish: Display it as it is, of course, or set it up as a background for dolls or some other decorations. You can also write something in the plain areas.