Kaikado can + Gyokuro Tamahoare (玉誉) 90g【Japanese tea】:抹茶・宇治茶・ギフトの藤園茶舗
Kaikado can + Gyokuro Tamahoare (玉誉) 90g【Japanese tea】:抹茶・宇治茶・ギフトの藤園茶舗
写真同じですThis gyokuro is made in Uji (Kyoto), Marukyu-Koyamaen, which has been producing the finest tea in Japan. Chazutsu is prodiced by Kaikado (Kyoto) . kaikado,green tea, gyokuro, matcha, macha,Japanese tea, japanease green tea,japanease gyokuro,ujie tea,ryokucya,sencya,gift The materials of the can is tin. The diameter is 7.5cm and height 10cm.
The handle is brass. It is carved seal of Kaikado in a base.
Chazutsu is prodiced by Kaikado (Kyoto) .
kaikado,green tea, gyokuro, matcha, macha,Japanese tea, japanease green tea,japanease gyokuro,ujie tea,ryokucya,sencya,gift
The materials of the can is tin. The diameter is 7.5cm and height 10cm.
The handle is brass.
It is carved seal of Kaikado in a base.