詳細 ビッグワッフルは温かみのある表情でふっくらとした肉厚な素材感ながら耐久性も兼ね備えた素材です。主要部分の縫製は縫い代がごろつかないフラットシーマですので着用時の肌面へのストレスが少なく直接肌に触れる部分も快適です。首元、袖口、裾は軽さがあり硬めの針抜きリブを使用していますので洗濯時の伸びや縮みもほぼありません。デザインは肉厚な防寒用Baseballアンダーシャツをベースに1枚で着用しても雰囲気良く見えるように身巾にゆとりをもたせた設計にしました。 Knitted by a special method using thick thread and customized kniiting machine to give extra volume and soft fell on fabric. The main body is constructed using flat seams for a neat finish. Sewing points on the interior of the material are flat and not subject to stress when worn. The neck, cuffs and hems feature three-point decorative stitches, which are then reinforced with bar tack stitching to prevent fraying of the threads. Because of the nature of the material, the fabric will stretch during sewing, so we adjust the presser foot of the sewing machine specially for this product and sew slowly. On the reverse side, the fabrics are used laterally to prevent the shirt from drooping during wear. The mid-neck is not too high and can be worn without stress like a crew neck.
JACKMAN【ジャックマン】Waffle Mid-neck
Knitted by a special method using thick thread and customized kniiting machine to give extra volume and soft fell on fabric. The main body is constructed using flat seams for a neat finish. Sewing points on the interior of the material are flat and not subject to stress when worn. The neck, cuffs and hems feature three-point decorative stitches, which are then reinforced with bar tack stitching to prevent fraying of the threads. Because of the nature of the material, the fabric will stretch during sewing, so we adjust the presser foot of the sewing machine specially for this product and sew slowly. On the reverse side, the fabrics are used laterally to prevent the shirt from drooping during wear. The mid-neck is not too high and can be worn without stress like a crew neck.