The earliest traces of its history date back in 1331, during 'la guerre de Cent Ans', la 'Tour de Saint Maubert' was a stronghold guarding the estuary, as a result of successive heritages, Alexandre de S・・gur becomes the owner of the Ch・・teau Latour as well as a considerable number of Medocains Domains, he will be nicknamed the 'Prince of the Vines by Louis XV.
The earliest traces of its history date back in 1331, during 'la guerre de Cent Ans', la 'Tour de Saint Maubert' was a stronghold guarding the estuary, as a result of successive heritages, Alexandre de S・・gur becomes the owner of the Ch・・teau Latour as well as a considerable number of Medocains Domains, he will be nicknamed the 'Prince of the Vines by Louis XV.