品質のいい設定資料集 トランスフォーマー Transformers Legacy: The Art of Transformers Packaging
●商品説明 ・Transformers Legacy: The Art of Transformers Packaging (英語) ハードカバー 商品の説明 Remember the thrill of tearing open a gift on Christmas morning, discovering a brand-new Transformer in a shiny new box? While the toys were amazing in their own right, what made the packages stand head-and-shoulders above the myriad competing action figures on shelves was the stunning box art. Transformers: Legacy collects hundreds of beautifully airbrushed paintings from the iconic first decade of The Transformers. Hasbro, Takara, and private collectors opened their archives, yielding an unparalled level of quality. Essays and interviews from the original illustrators give unprecedented insight into the process behind the art. This book is chock-full of extras, including never-before-seen artwork from toys that never were, original design sketches, catalog artwork, and more. 「注意!!」 海外発売の本になりますので、表記はすべて「日本語」ではなく「英語」になります。●商品状態 中古本になりますのでご理解の上入札をお願いいたします。 (出品前に確認を行っていますが、商品によっては書き込み、袋とじ開封済み、付属品の欠品、多少の傷みなどがある場合があります。詳しい商品状態が気になる方はご質問からお願いいたします。)●発送方法 ゆうパック80サイズ元払いを予定しております。★落札前に必ず、自己紹介をご覧下さい。
・Transformers Legacy: The Art of Transformers Packaging (英語) ハードカバー
Remember the thrill of tearing open a gift on Christmas morning, discovering a brand-new Transformer in a shiny new box? While the toys were amazing in their own right, what made the packages stand head-and-shoulders above the myriad competing action figures on shelves was the stunning box art. Transformers: Legacy collects hundreds of beautifully airbrushed paintings from the iconic first decade of The Transformers. Hasbro, Takara, and private collectors opened their archives, yielding an unparalled level of quality. Essays and interviews from the original illustrators give unprecedented insight into the process behind the art. This book is chock-full of extras, including never-before-seen artwork from toys that never were, original design sketches, catalog artwork, and more.
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