商品説明 Thank you for watching my page♪♪♪( ^-^)/ ★rare product★実用美品★HASSELBLAD NC-2 ハッセルブラッドプリズムファインダー★動作良好★プリズム内綺麗★#466 This is so rare product mont miss it!! ◆appearance condition This is good looking♪I hardly feel sense of use! I can’t see any damage from this product! Please check pictures in detail! ◆operating condition operate is good ! I l look forward to making a tender of this from you ♪ (printed pictures is everything ) ◆optic condition Lens is so good looking 。 Please check picturesI want someone who will use carefly to make a tender of this ! don’t miss it♪ I display many goof looking products which is not to be seen from other!Please check it out♪ ( ^-^)/ This is good opportunity to buy this one♪♪♪ Please take care! ※Even though this is good looking used item , that is only a used item , someone who wish to be perfect、You should not make a tender of this if you are nervousness 。 ※Please understand that in case I made a mistake not to find bad point about condition check 。 shipping fee is 1300 Japanese yen all over the japan ・I make it a rule tat I pack carefully ・I send you by japan post basically 。■
ご覧いただきありがとうございます♪♪♪( ^-^)/
★実用美品★HASSELBLAD NC-2 ハッセルブラッドプリズムファインダー★動作良好★プリズム内綺麗★#466
人気商品につき競争は必至です! お探しの方はお見逃しなく!!
大切に使って頂ける方に 落札して頂きたいと思っています!
( ^-^)/
大切に使って頂ける方に 落札して頂きたいと思っています!
共通項目 注意事項
あくまでも USED ですので、 新品同様の美品クラスを完璧を求める方、特にチリや埃、カビ等が気になる神経質な方はご入札をお考えください。
※評価の悪いが多めの方、新規の方はやむを得ず入札を取り消す場合もございます。 いたずらが多いのでご了承ください。
実際に見て触って撮ってみて、 万が一商品がお気に召さない場合は、
また、万一の初期不良・配送事故の場合は商品到着後 3 日以内にご連絡下さい。
この案内は出品支援ツール ■@即売くんWEB■
Thank you for watching my page♪♪♪( ^-^)/
★rare product★実用美品★HASSELBLAD NC-2 ハッセルブラッドプリズムファインダー★動作良好★プリズム内綺麗★#466
This is so rare product mont miss it!!
◆appearance condition
This is good looking♪I hardly feel sense of use!
I can’t see any damage from this product! Please check pictures in detail!
◆operating condition
operate is good !
I l look forward to making a tender of this from you ♪
(printed pictures is everything )
◆optic condition
Lens is so good looking 。
Please check picturesI want someone who will use carefly to make a tender of this !
don’t miss it♪ I display many goof looking products which is not to be seen from other!Please check it out♪
( ^-^)/
This is good opportunity to buy this one♪♪♪
Please take care!
※Even though this is good looking used item , that is only a used item , someone who wish to be perfect、You should not make a tender of this if you are nervousness 。 ※Please understand that in case I made a mistake not to find bad point about condition check 。
shipping fee is 1300 Japanese yen all over the japan
・I make it a rule tat I pack carefully
・I send you by japan post basically 。■
ビンテージ★Budweiser Light ライトサイン バドワイザー 壁掛け照明 ボトル バー ランプ ライト★
ビンテージDrinkOrangeCrushクロック [gopd-688]検アメリカ/USA/壁掛け/振り子時計/クゥォーツ/1980年代/オレンジクラッシュ/ドリンク時計
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