安い価格52枚組ブルース大全集●お一つ限り●送料600円より●ホーナーPuckハーモニカ付初回限定盤●新品CD●ブックレット付●ABC Of The Blues
一番下にかんたん決済を749円 または200円安くする方法を記しました。とうとう中古でも手に入らなくなってしまい、お一つ限りの出品です。 ブルーズ入門決定版全集 HOHNER ホーナー ブルース・ハープ(ハーモニカ) 復刻版Puck付 52枚組ボックス 2010年新マスタリング ドイツ盤新品未開封CD 28ページブックレット付 ほぼ全てのジャンルのブルーズを網羅した決定版全集 送料ゆうパック600円(愛知県内のご住所の方限定)より ご住所によって送料は変わります。 関東信越北陸東海近畿は650円、 中国四国東北は750円、 九州は850円、 沖縄は1080円、 北海道は1150円です。御注意下さるようお願いします。 ●これまで、10枚~30枚の、ブルース入門ボックスと称する全集が数多くリリースされてきましたが、ついに、決定版の、ほとんど全てのジャンルのブルーズを全て収録した決定版全集が出ました!かなり聴き込んだ方にも、これから、本格的に聴いてみようという方にもぴったりの、歴史的名演奏を網羅した決定版全集です。ブルーズ発生の歴史を、一枚あたり154円で学ぶことのできる、最高のボックスです。 ●初回限定ということで、限定封入された、HOHNERのブルースハープの、復刻版Puckが、ファンにはたまりません。ブルーズは、聴くだけではなく、演奏してこそ、本当に楽しみがあります。ブルーズで演奏されるブルースハープは、必ずHOHNER。1857年創業のドイツの一流ブランドです。1913年リリースの名器Puckは、穴は十個で、コンパクトなサイズですが、豊かな音色は、まさにホーナーそのものです。普通のボックスには入っていないので、初回限定盤のうちに、どうぞ。このブルースハープだけで、20ユーロ(2800円)近くします。 ●このボックスは、デルタ・ブルース(ミシシッピ州のデルタ地帯や、テネシー州メンフィスなどの初期のブルーズ)から、セントルイス、シカゴなどの、いわゆる都市ブルーズまで、全てのブルーズの歴史を網羅しています。こういったブルーズのレコードが、1950年代に、イギリスに輸入されて、イギリスのミュージシャンが多大な影響を受けて、ヤードバーズ、クリーム、レッド・ツェッペリン、ローリングストーンズなど、その後の、ブリティッシュロックの発展が生まれました。また、ピンクフロイドの、デヴィッド・ギルモアがコピーしたアーティストも、このボックスに全て収録されており、このボックスに収録された歴史的アーティストの影響下にないギタリストを探すのは難しいようです。 ●28ページのブックレットには、ブルーズのエキスパートで、音楽学者としても著名な、サミュエル・N・キャメロン(カウント・ビスケットのペンネームでも知られています。)が、ライナーノーツを書いていますが、今回の限定盤にあわせて、特別の、アーティストたちの経歴を紹介するエッセイを書いています。ストックラバーズ2003は、様々な、ブルーズの影響を受けた、ロックのアーティストのCDを出品しています。 ●厚さが5cm以上あり、ゆうメールでの発送は出来ません。 ●ゆうパックの送料はご住所によって変わります。愛知県ではない方が600円を選択すると発送することができなくなってしまいます から御注意くださるようお願いします。 愛知県は600円、 関東信越北陸東海近畿は650円、 中国四国東北は750円、 九州は850円、 沖縄は1080円、 北海道は1150円です。 九州、沖縄、北海道の方は、送料無料の出品の方が、CD本体と送料を合計した金額は百円から四百円安くなりますので、質問欄からお知らせ下されば、すぐに出品を終了して、送料出品者負担送料無料で再出品させていただきます。 ●何かありましたら、気軽に、出品者への質問から、質問してください。 ●未開封の場合、返品に対応させていただきますが、送料と手数料はご負担下さるようお願いします。●ゆうパックは、平日窓口持ち込みの割引き料金です。土日祝日にお急ぎの方は正規料金をご負担下されば即日発送できますので、かんたん決済前にお知らせ下さい。 Kokomo Arnold 1. Backfence Picket Blues (James Arnold) (03:06) 2. Fool Man Blues (James Arnold) (03:06) 3. Long And Tall (James Arnold) (02:46) 4. Sally Dog (James Arnold) (02:48) 5. Cold Winter Blues (James Arnold) (03:09) 6. Sister Jane Cross The Hall (James Arnold) (02:39) 7. Wild Water Blues (James Arnold) (03:13) 8. Laugh And Grin Blues (James Arnold) (03:09) 9. Mean Old Twister (James Arnold) (02:57) 10. Red Beans And Rice (James Arnold) (03:03) Billy Boy Arnold 11. My Heart Is Crying (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:08) 12. I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:41) 13. I Ain't Got You (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:13) 14. Here's My Picture (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:10) 15. You Got Me Wrong (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:39) 16. Prisoner's Plea (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:49) 17. Every Day, Every Night (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:26) 18. No, No, No, No, No (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:34) 19. Rockinitis (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:38) 20. I Was Fooled (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:50) TOTAL TIME 55:14 Richard Berry 1. Louie, Louie (Richard Berry) (02:15) 2. Sweet Sugar You (Richard Berry) (02:48) 3. You Look So Good (Richard Berry) (02:19) 4. Mess Around (Richard Berry) (02:37) 5. No Room (Richard Berry) (03:16) 6. I Want You To Be My Girl (Richard Berry) (03:20) 7. I'm Your Fool (Richard Berry) (02:56) 8. Walk Right In (Richard Berry) (03:04) 9. Give It Up (Richard Berry) (02:37) 10. Have Love, Will Travel (Richard Berry) (02:56) Barbecue Bob 11. Yo Yo Blues (Robert Hicks) (02:59) 12. California Blues (Robert Hicks) (02:59) 13. Motherless Chiles Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:16) 14. She's Coming Back Some Cold Rainy Day (Robert Hicks) (03:07) 15. Barbecue Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:14) 16. Ease It To Me Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:01) 17. Chocolate To The Bone (Robert Hicks) (02:54) 18. Good Time Rounder (Robert Hicks) (03:18) 19. Atlanta Moan (Robert Hicks) (03:09) 20. Diddle-Da-Diddle (Robert Hicks) (03:01) TOTAL TIME 59:15 Bobby "Blue" Bland 1. It's My Life, Baby (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:45) 2. Honey Bee (D. Robey) (02:30) 3. Lost Lover Blues (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:37) 4. Time Out (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:50) 5. Million Miles From Nowhere (D. Robey) (02:52) 6. You've Got Bad Intentions (J. Scott) (02:32) 7. I Don't Believe (D. Robey - M. Charles) (02:38) 8. You Did Me Wrong (D. Malone) (02:36) 9. Last Night (D. Robey) (02:53) 10. Wise Man's Blues (D. Mattis - D. Robey) (02:51) Charles Brown 11. Driftin' Blues (Brown - Moore - Williams) (03:15) 12. Trouble Blues (C. Brown) (02:23) 13. In The Evening When The Sun Goes Down (Trad.) (02:56) 14. Get Yourself Another Fool (Tucker - Haywood) (03:03) 15. Black Night (J.M. Robinson) (03:08) 16. Hard Times (J. Leiber - M. Stoller) (03:10) 17. Cryin' Mercy (K. Owens) (02:43) 18. Evening Shadows (Q. Martin) (02:46) 19. Fool's Paradise (Johnny Fuller - R. Geddins - D. Avid) (02:47) 20. Merry Christmas, Baby (J. Moore - L. Baxter) (02:53) TOTAL TIME 56:18 Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown 1. Midnight Hour (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:45) 2. Ain't That Dandy (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:52) 3. Dirty Work At The Crossroads ' (Don Robey - Duchess) (02:47) 4. Hurry Back Good News (Don Robey - Duchess) (02:46) 5. Okie Dokie Stomp (Pluma Davis - Duchess) (02:34) 6. Sad Hour (C. Brown - Don Robey - Duchess) (02:51) 7. Gate's Salty Blues (Eddie Curtis) (02:45) 8. Just Before Dawn (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:09) 9. Depression Blues (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:55) 10. For Now So Long (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:45) Blue Lu Barker 11. Trombone Man Blues (Barker - Black) (02:52) 12. Here's A Little Girl (Barker) (03:15) 13. A Little Bird Told Me (Barker - Brooks) (02:12) 14. What Did You Do To Me? (Barker - Hunter) (02:33) 15. Leave My Man Alone (Barker) (02:31) 16. Now You're Down In The Alley (Barker) (02:35) 17. When The Wagon Comes (Barker) (02:56) 18. Loan Me Your Husband (Barker) (02:46) 19. Bow Legged Daddy (Barker) (02:50) 20. Love That Man (Barker) (02:41) TOTAL TIME 54:34 Big Bill Broonzy 1. Mississippi River Blues ' (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:42) 2. Long Tall Mama (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:48) 3. Worrying You Off My Mind (Part 1)(William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:05) 4. Rising Sun Shine On (Lester Melrose) (03:10) 5. Come Home Early (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:00) 6. Good Jelly (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:17) 7. Bull Cow Blues (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:52) 8. I Can't Make You Satisfied (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:13) 9. How You Want It Done (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:51) 10. Hattie Blues (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:44) Scrapper Blackwell 11. Kokomo Blues (Kokomo Arnold) (03:04) Blind Blake 12. Come On Boys, Let's Do That Messin' Around (Blind Blake) (02:45) 13. Hard Pushin' Papa (Blind Blake) (02:36) 14. Skeedle Loo Doo Blues (Blind Blake) (03:02) 15. Georgia Bound (Blind Blake) (03:22) 16. Too Tight Blues, No. 2 (Blind Blake) (02:55) 17. Diddie Wah Diddie (Blind Blake) (02:58) 18. Southern Rag (Blind Blake) (02:50) 19. C.C. Pill Blues (Blind Blake) (02:28) 20. Rope Stretching Blues, Pt. 1 (Blind Blake) (03:02) TOTAL TIME 58:55 Champion Jack Dupree 1. Strollin' (Jack Dupree) (03:01) 2. T.B. Blues (Jack Dupree) (03:42) 3. Can't Kick The Habit (Jack Dupree) (03:43) 4. Evil Woman (Jack Dupree) (04:21) 5. Nasty Boogie (Jack Dupree) (03:10) 6. Junker's Blues (Jack Dupree) (03:12) 7. Bad Blood (Jack Dupree) (03:59) 8. Goin' Down Slow (Jack Dupree) (04:04) 9. Frankie Johnny (Jack Dupree) (03:23) 10. Stack-O-Lee (Jack Dupree) (03:56) Cousin Joe 11. Fly Hen Blues (Pleasant Joseph) (02:38) 12. Little Eva (Pleasant Joseph) (02:33) 13. Lightning Struck The Poorhouse (Pleasant Joseph) (03:04) 14. Baby You Don't Know At All (Pleasant Joseph) (02:43) 15. The Barefoot Baby (Pleasant Joseph) (02:49) 16. Box Car Shorty And Peter Blue (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:42) 17. Beggin' Woman (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:47) 18. Sadie Brown (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:46) 19. Evolution Blues (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:58) 20. Box Car Shorty's Confession (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:41) TOTAL TIME 64:22 Leroy Carr Scrapper Blackwell 1. Wrong Man Blues (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:16) 2. Gettin' All Wet (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:28) 3. Blue With The Blues (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:29) 4. Christmas In Jail, Ain't That A Pain (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:12) 5. That's Tellin'em (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:01) 6. Papa Wants A C ookie (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:44) 7. The Dirty Dozen (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:53) 8. Carried Water For The Elephant (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:57) 9. Let's Disagree (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:56) 10. Papa's Got Your Water On (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:13) Pee Wee Crayton 11. Win-O (C.C. Crayton) (02:18) 12. I Got News For You (C.C. Crayton) (02:39) 13. Blues Before Dawn (C.C. Crayton) (01:59) 14. Don't Break My Heart (C.C. Crayton) (02:52) 15. The Telephone Is Ringing (C.C. Crayton) (02:54) 16. California Women (C.C. Crayton) (03:28) 17. Blues For My Baby (C.C. Crayton) (02:58) 18. Dedicated To The Blues (C.C. Crayton - Taub) (03:05) 19. Phone Call From My Baby (C.C. Crayton) (02:48) 20. Blues After Hours (C.C. Crayton) (03:07) TOTAL TIME 59:27 Bo Diddley 1. I'm A Man (Ellas McDaniel) (02:59) 2. Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:48) 3. Pretty Thing (Willie Dixon) (02:50) 4. Bring It To Jerome (Jerome Green) (02:29) 5. Diddy Wah Diddy (Ellas McDaniel - Willie Dixon) (02:33) 6. I'm Looking For A Woman (Ellas McDaniel) (02:33) 7. Who Do You Love? (Ellas McDaniel) (02:29) 8. You Don't Love Me (Ellas McDaniel) (02:53) 9. Hey Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:12) 10. Mona (I Need You Baby) (Ellas McDaniel) (02:22) 11. Say Boss Man (Ellas McDaniel) (02:33) 12. Before You Accuse Me (Ellas McDaniel) (03:06) 13. Say Man (Ellas McDaniel) (03:13) 14. The Clock Strikes Twelve (Ellas McDaniel) (02:59) 15. Crackin' Up (Ellas McDaniel) (02:06) 16. Don't Let It Go (Hold On To What You Got) (Ellas McDaniel) (02:46) 17. Mumblin' Guitar (Ellas McDaniel) (02:49) 18. She's Alright (Ellas McDaniel) (04:04) 19. Road Runner (Ellas McDaniel) (02:49) 20. The Story Of Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:52) TOTAL TIME 55:36 Willie Dixon 1. Don't Let That Music Die (W. Dixon) (02:31) 2. I Ain't Gonna Be Your Monkey Man ' (L. Caston - W. Dixon) (02:59) 3. Money Tree Blues (W. Dixon) (02:45) 4. Since My Baby Gone (L. Caston) (03:01) 5. No One To Love Me (L. Caston) (02:51) 6. Hard Notch Boogie Beat (L. Caston - O. Crawford - W. Dixon) (02:46) 7. If The Sea Was Whiskey (L. Caston - W. Dixon) (03:05) 8. Got You On My Mind (J. Thomas - H. Biggs) (02:54) 9. Tell That Woman (W. Dixon) (02:39) 10. Come Here Baby (J. Thomas - H. Biggs) (02:26) Floyd Dixon 11. Dallas Blues (Dixon) (03:19) 12. Moonshine (Dixon - Calhoun - Gerald) (02:38) 13. Real Lovin' Mama (Dixon) (02:47) 14. Prairie Dog Blues (Hurley) (02:44) 15. Shuffle Blues (Norris) (03:00) 16. Blues For Cuba (Williams - Hurley) (02:40) 17. Telephone Blues (Dixon) (03:13) 18. Lovin' (Cadrez) (02:30) 19. Let's Dance (Dixon) (02:39) 20. Opportunity Blues (Dixon - Harper - Zachery) (02:32) TOTAL TIME 56:09 Snooks Eaglin 1. Careless Love (Traditional) (02:30) 2. Let Me Go Home, Whisky (Snooks Eaglin) (02:52) 3. Trouble In Mind (Snooks Eaglin) (02:46) 4. St. James Infirmary (Traditional) (02:18) 5. Rock Island Line (Snooks Eaglin) (02:02) 6. Sophisticated Blues (Snooks Eaglin) (02:06) 7. I'm Looking For A Woman (Snooks Eaglin) (02:23) 8. Look Down That Lonesome Road (Snooks Eaglin) (01:44) 9. I Got My Questionnaire (Snooks Eaglin) (03:19) 10. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer (Snooks Eaglin) (02:40) Sleepy John Estes 11. Jack And Jill Blues (John Estes) (02:38) 12. Poor Man's Friend (T Model) (03:07) 13. Hobo Jungle Blues (John Estes) (02:55) 14. Airplane Blues (John Estes) (02:51) 15. Floating Bridge (John Estes) (03:10) 16. Need More Blues (John Estes) (02:53) 17. Fire Department Blues (Martha Hardin) (03:06) 18. New Someday Baby (John Estes) (02:49) 19. Liquor Store Blues (John Estes) (02:27) 20. Brownsville Blues (John Estes) (03:07) TOTAL TIME 53:52 Lowell Fulson 1. I Wanna Make Love To You (L. Fulson) (03:18) 2. Rock'em Dead (L. Fulson) (02:31) 3. You Better Rock This Morning (L. Fulson) (01:49) 4. Rollin' Blues (L. Fulson) (02:50) 5. Someday Baby (L. Fulson) (03:09) 6. It Took A Long Time (L. Fulson) (02:39) 7. That's Alright (L. Fulson) (02:44) 8. It's A Long Time (L. Fulson) (02:48) 9. Loving You (L. Fulson) (03:01) 10. Lonely Hours (L. Fulson) (02:52) The Four Blazes 11. Stop Boogie Woogie (McDaniel) (02:43) 12. Snag The Britches (Braden) (02:34) 13. Raggedy Ride (Braden) (02:15) 14. Perfect Woman (Braden) (02:42) 15. Night Train (Braden) (02:54) 16. Never Start Living (Williams) (02:19) 17. Women, Women (Braden) (02:45) 18. Drunken Blues (Braden) (02:54) 19. My Hat's On The Side Of My Head (Williams) (02:46) 20. Mary Jo (Braden) (02:36) TOTAL TIME 54:20 Buddy Guy 1. Try To Quit You, Baby (Magic Sam - Archie Toscano) (02:39) 2. You Sure Can't Do (Willie Dixon) (02:41) 3. This Is The End (Willie Dixon) (02:58) 4. Sit And Cry (The Blues) (Willie Dixon) (03:03) Arthur Gunter 5. Baby Let's Play House (Arthur Gunter) (02:47) 6. No Naggin', No Draggin' (Arthur Gunter) (02:45) 7. Honey Babe (Ernest Young) (02:33) 8. Little Blue Jeans Woman (Arthur Gunter) (02:28) 9. Baby You Better Listen (Arthur Gunter) (02:37) 10. I Want Her Back (Arthur Gunter) (02:38) 11. Crazy Me (Ernest Young) (02:48) 12. Ludella (Arthur Gunter) (02:54) 13. Blues After Hours (Arthur Gunter) (02:31) Slim Gaillard 14. Walkin' Cookin' Blues (Gaillard) (04:35) 15. Blue Heaven (Donaldson - Whiting) (02:26) 16. Thunderbird (Gaillard - Orenstein) (02:11) 17. Chicken Rhythm (Gaillard - Squires) (02:16) 18. I Love You (Archer - Thompson) (02:52) 19. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You (Young - Crosby - Washington) (02:24) 20. Don't Blame Me (McHugh - Fields) (04:10) TOTAL TIME 56:36 John Lee Hooker 1. Dimples (John Lee Hooker) (02:14) 2. I'm In The Mood (John Lee Hooker) (03:06) 3. Boogie Chillen' (John Lee Hooker) (03:09) 4. Let Your Daddy Ride (John Lee Hooker) (02:40) 5. John L's House Rent Boogie (John Lee Hooker) (03:02) 6. Weeping Willow Boogie (John Lee Hooker) (02:49) 7. Huckle Up Baby (John Lee Hooker) (02:50) 8. Hobo Blues (John Lee Hooker) (03:03) 9. Crawlin' King Snake (John Lee Hooker) (03:02) 10. Sally Mae (John Lee Hooker) (03:09) Wynonie Harris 11. Around The Clock Pt. 1 2 (W. Harris) (05:41) 12. Yonder Goes My Baby (W. Harris) (02:45) 13. Don't Take My Whiskey Away From Me (W. Harris) (02:10) 14. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (W. Harris) (02:48) 15. Time To Change Your Town (W. Harris) (02:34) 16. You Got To Get Yourself A Job, Girl (W. Harris) (02:41) 17. Oh Babe! (W. Harris) (02:50) 18. Luscious Woman (W. Harris) (02:47) 19. Stormy Night Blues (W. Harris) (02:39) 20. Git To Gittin' Baby (W. Harris) (02:16) TOTAL TIME 58:26 Earl Hooker 1. Sweet Black Angel (E. Hooker) (03:08) 2. Earl's Boogie Woogie (E. Hooker) (02:33) 3. Goin' Down The Line (E. Hooker) (02:16) 4. Guitar Rag (E. Hooker) (02:51) Screamin' Jay Hawkins 5. I Put A Spell On You (Hawkins - Slotkin) (02:23) 6. Yellow Coat (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:21) 7. If You Are But A Dream (A. Rubinstein - Jaffe - J. Fulton - Box) (02:47) 8. You Made Me Love (J.V. Monaco - J. McCarthy) (01:59) 9. Orange Colored Sky (M. Delugg - W. Stein) (02:47) 10. Hong Kong (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:17) 11. Baptize Me In Wine (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:32) 12. Not Anymore (Hawkins - Nahan) (03:00) 13. I Hear Voices (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:35) 14. The Whammy (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:30) 15. Little Demon (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:22) 16. Poor Folks (Hawkins - Nahan) (03:00) 17. Your Kind Of Love (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:18) 18. Ashes (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:28) 19. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Traditional) (01:49) 20. Ol' Man River (Traditional) (04:20) TOTAL TIME 52:42 Lightnin' Hopkins 1. Katie Mae Blues (Hopkins) (03:00) 2. Play With Your Poodle (Hopkins) (02:32) 3. Automobile (Hopkins) (02:47) 4. "T" Model Blues (Hopkins) (02:36) 5. Baby Please Don't Go (Joe Lee Williams) (02:51) 6. Needed Time (Hopkins) (02:53) 7. Short Haired Woman (Hopkins) (02:36) 8. Mad With You (Hopkins) (02:28) 9. Lightnin' Boogie (Hopkins) (02:49) 10. Give Me Central 209 (Robert Ellen) (02:58) 11. Coffee Blues (Hopkins) (02:43) 12. What's The Matter Now (Hopkins) (02:29) 13. I'm Wild About You Baby (Robert Shad) (02:54) 14. Movin' On Out Boogie (Hopkins) (02:16) 15. Policy Game (Joe Luke) (03:03) 16. Lightnin' Jump (Hopkins) (02:30) 17. Late In The Evening (Robert Tanner) (02:50) 18. They Wonder Who I Am (Hopkins) (02:09) 19. Had A Gal Called Sal (Hopkins) (02:16) 20. Blues For My C ookie (Hopkins) (02:25) TOTAL TIME 53:14 Howlin' Wolf 1. Look-A-Here Baby (Chester Burnett) (02:11) 2. Smile At Me (Chester Burnett) (02:06) 3. California Boogie (Chester Burnett) (02:57) 4. My Baby Walked Off (Chester Burnett) (03:00) 5. Chocolate Drop (Chester Burnett) (02:42) 6. Mr. Highway Man (Chester Burnett) (02:49) 7. Color And Kind (Chester Burnett) (03:12) 8. Everybody's In The Mood (Chester Burnett) (02:59) 9. (Well) That's Alright (Chester Burnett) (03:02) 10. Baby Ride With Me (Chester Burnett) (02:42) 11. Decoration Day Blues (Chester Burnett) (03:17) 12. Moanin' At Midnight (Chester Burnett) (02:56) 13. The Wolf Is At Your Door (Chester Burnett) (02:58) 14. Getting Old And Grey (Chester Burnett) (02:37) 15. Oh, Red! (Chester Burnett) (02:38) 16. My Last Affair (Chester Burnett) (02:59) 17. Dorothy Mae (Chester Burnett) (02:45) 18. I Got A Woman'/'Sweet Woman (Chester Burnett) (03:28) 19. Bluebird Blues (Chester Burnett) (02:50) 20. Howlin' Wolf Boogie (Chester Burnett) (02:38) TOTAL TIME 56:55 Alberta Hunter 1. Down Hearted Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:04) 2. Why Did You Pick Me Up When I Was Down ' (Alberta Hunter) (03:27) 3. Don't Pan Me (Alberta Hunter) (03:00) 4. Jazzin' Baby Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:15) 5. You Can't Have It All (Alberta Hunter) (03:16) 6. You Shall Reap Just What You Sow (Alberta Hunter) (03:13) 7. Taint Nobody's Business (Alberta Hunter) (03:05) 8. If You Want To Keep Your Daddy (Alberta Hunter) (02:45) 9. Chirping The Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:02) 10. Some Day Sweetheart (Alberta Hunter) (03:06) Ivory Joe Hunter 11. Heaven Came Down To Earth (Joe Hunter) (02:44) 12. It May Sound Silly (Joe Hunter) (02:46) 13. I Need You (Joe Hunter) (02:55) 14. You Mean Everything To Me (Joe Hunter) (02:23) 15. Shooty Booty (Joe Hunter) (02:03) 16. Yes, I Want You (Joe Hunter) (02:55) 17. I Just Want To Love You (Joe Hunter) (02:23) 18. I'll Never Leave You, Baby (Joe Hunter) (02:41) 19. All About The Blues (Joe Hunter) (02:57) 20. She's Gone (Joe Hunter) (02:38) TOTAL TIME 57:48 Robert Johnson 1. They're Red Hot (Robert Johnson) (03:00) 2. 32-20 Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:53) 3. Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped The Devil) ' (Robert Johnson) (02:49) 4. Stop Breakin' Down Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:16) 5. I Believe I'll Dust My Broom (Robert Johnson) (02:57) 6. Sweet Home Chicago (Robert Johnson) (03:02) 7. Kindhearted Woman Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:51) 8. Ramblin' On My Mind (Robert Johnson) (02:51) 9. Crossroad Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:30) 10. Malted Milk (Robert Johnson) (02:22) 11. Love In Vain Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:28) 12. Honeymoon Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:17) 13. When You Got A Good Friend (Robert Johnson) (02:38) 14. Travelling Riverside Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:45) 15. Terraplane Blues (Robert Johnson) (03:01) 16. Dead Shrimp Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:35) 17. Walkin' Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:30) 18. From Four Till Late (Robert Johnson) (02:22) 19. Last Fair Deal Goin' Down (Robert Johnson) (02:39) 20. Me And The Devil Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:33) TOTAL TIME 53:29 Elmore James 1. Dust My Broom (James) (02:45) 2. Sho' Nuff I Do (James) (02:54) 3. Please Find My Baby (James) (03:07) 4. Cry For Me Baby (London) (02:46) 5. Sunny Land (James - Josea) (03:16) 6. The 12 Year Old Boy (London) (03:05) 7. It Hurts Me, Too (London) (03:04) 8. Hawaiian Boogie (James) (02:19) 9. T.V. Mama (Turner) (02:48) Lonnie Johnson 10. Have To Change Keys (To Play These Blues) ' (Lonnie Johnson) (03:04) 11. Mr. Johnson's Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:43) 12. Mean Old Bedbug Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:56) 13. Toothache Blues Pt. 1 (Lonnie Johnson) (02:50) 14. Toothache Blues Pt. 2 (Lonnie Johnson) (03:22) 15. Sweet Potato Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:59) 16. Guitar Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (03:16) 17. She's Making Whoopee In Hell Tonight ' (Lonnie Johnson) (03:11) 18. Got The Blues For Murder Only (Lonnie Johnson) (03:25) 19. I'm Nuts About That Gal (Lonnie Johnson) (03:09) 20. Deep Blue Sea Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (03:04) TOTAL TIME 60:14 Blind Willie Johnson 1. Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground (Willie Johnson) (03:22) 2. If I Had My Way I'd Tear The Building Down (Willie Johnson) (03:10) 3. Praise God I'm Satisfied (Willie Johnson) (03:12) 4. Trouble Will Soon Be Over (Willie Johnson) (03:09) 5. I Know His Blood Can Make Me Whole (Willie Johnson) (03:05) 6. Everybody Ought To Treat A Stranger Right (Willie Johnson) (03:07) 7. It's Nobody's Fault But Mine (Willie Johnson) (03:11) 8. I'm Gonna Run To The City Of Refuge (Willie Johnson) (03:24) 9. Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning (Willie Johnson) (03:05) 10. Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed (Willie Johnson) (03:14) Tommy Johnson 11. Cool Drink Of Water Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:37) 12. Maggie Campbell Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:39) 13. Canned Heat Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:42) 14. Big Road Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:23) 15. Alcohol And Jake Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:20) Skip James 16. If You Haven't Any Hay Get On Down The Road (N. James) (02:55) 17. 22-20 Blues (N. James) (02:51) 18. How Long "Buck" (N. James) (02:54) 19. Cypress Grove Blues (N. James) (03:13) 20. Devil Got My Woman (N. James) (03:01) TOTAL TIME 64:44 B.B. King 1. B. B. Boogie (J. Taub - B.B. King) (03:15) 2. When Your Baby Packs Up And Goes ' (B.B. King) (02:26) 3. Got The Blues (B.B. King) (02:49) 4. Take A Swing With Me (B.B. King) (02:34) 5. Miss Martha King (B.B. King) (02:41) 6. Mistreated Woman (B.B. King) (02:45) 7. The Other Night Blues (B.B. King - J. Bihari) (03:36) 8. Walkin' And Cryin' (B.B. King - Ling) (02:51) 9. My Baby Is Gone (J. Taub - B.B. King) (01:59) 10. Fine Looking Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:17) 11. She's Dynamite (B.B. King) (02:30) 12. She's A Mean Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:32) 13. Hard Working Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:33) 14. That Ain't The Way To Do It (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:18) 15. Three O'Clock Blues (J. Taub - B.B. King) (03:00) 16. She Don't Move Me No More (B.B. King) (03:04) 17. Shake It Up And Go (B.B. King) (02:31) 18. My Own Fault Darlin' (B.B. King) (03:21) 19. Gotta Find My Baby (B.B. King - Bihari) (02:43) 20. B.B. Blues (J. Josea - B.B. King) (02:28) TOTAL TIME 54:23 Little Walter 1. Blues With A Feeling (M. Jacobs) (03:09) 2. Juke (M. Jacobs) (02:43) 3. Sad Hours (M. Jacobs) (03:10) 4. Tell Me Mama (M. Jacobs) (02:46) 5. Off The Wall (M. Jacobs) (02:48) 6. You Better Watch Yourself (M. Jacobs) (03:04) 7. My Babe (M. Jacobs) (02:41) 8. Last Night (M. Jacobs) (02:43) 9. You're So Fine (M. Jacobs) (03:03) 10. Roller Coaster (M. Jacobs) (02:53) 11. Moonshine Blues (M. Jacobs) (02:54) 12. Bad Acting Woman (M. Jacobs) (02:45) 13. Blue Baby (M. Jacobs) (02:14) 14. Can't Hold On Much Longer (M. Jacobs) (03:00) 15. Tonight With A Fool (M. Jacobs) (02:54) 16. Boogie (M. Jacobs) (03:00) 17. Red Headed Woman (M. Jacobs) (02:47) 18. I Just Keep Loving Her (M. Jacobs) (02:30) 19. Mean Old World (M. Jacobs) (02:53) 20. Lights Out (M. Jacobs) (02:44) TOTAL TIME 54:23 Lightnin' Slim 1. Rock Me Mama (Lightnin' Slim) (02:47) 2. Bad Luck (Lightnin' Slim) (02:58) 3. New Orleans Bound (Lightnin' Slim) (02:48) 4. Bugger Bugger Boy (Lightnin' Slim) (02:05) 5. I'm A Rollin' Stone (Lightnin' Slim) (02:25) 6. Hoodoo Man (Lightnin' Slim) (02:25) 7. I'm Grown (Lightnin' Slim) (03:07) 8. Nothing But The Devil (Lightnin' Slim) (03:06) 9. Tom Cat Blues (Lightnin' Slim) (02:54) 10. Wintertime Blues (Lightnin' Slim) (03:00) J.B. Lenoir 11. I Have Married (J.B. Lenoir) (02:28) 12. How Much More (J.B. Lenoir) (02:57) 13. Let's Roll Pt. 1 (J.B. Lenoir) (02:51) 14. The Mojo Pt. 1 (J.B. Lenoir) (02:54) 15. Slow Down Woman (J.B. Lenoir) (03:24) 16. Louise (J.B. Lenoir) (03:04) 17. When I Was Young (J.B. Lenoir) (02:41) 18. Bassology (J.B. Lenoir) (02:54) 19. Play A Little While (J.B. Lenoir) (02:51) 20. Livin' In The White House (J.B. Lenoir) (02:30) TOTAL TIME 56:19 Leadbelly 1. Alabama Bound (H. Ledbetter) (03:03) 2. Fort Worth And Dallas Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:01) 3. Leavin' Blues (H. Ledbetter) (02:52) 4. Midnight Special (H. Ledbetter) (02:07) 5. T.B. Woman Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:08) 6. New York City (H. Ledbetter) (03:02) 7. Shorty George (H. Ledbetter) (03:06) 8. John Hardy (H. Ledbetter) (04:19) 9. Bourgeois Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:16) 10. Good Morning Blues (H. Ledbetter) (02:47) 11. Easy Rider (H. Ledbetter) (03:11) 12. Pretty Flower In Your Backyard (H. Ledbetter) (02:44) 13. Black Snake Moan (H. Ledbetter) (03:09) 14. See See Rider (H. Ledbetter) (02:56) 15. Roberta Pt. 1 (H. Ledbetter) (03:00) 16. Pigmeat (H. Ledbetter) (03:10) 17. Grey Goose (H. Ledbetter) (02:57) 18. Pick A Bale Of Cotton (H. Ledbetter) (03:01) 19. Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (H. Ledbetter) (03:02) 20. Death Letter Blues Pt. 1 (H. Ledbetter) (02:58) TOTAL TIME 60:59 Little Willie John 1. Fever (Davenport - Cooley) (02:43) 2. All Around The World (Titus Turner) (02:58) 3. Suffering With The Blues (Conyers - Pemberton) (02:32) 4. Tell It Like It Is (Rudy Toombs) (02:24) 5. Person To Person (Singleton - McRae) (02:20) 6. Need Your Love So Bad (Mertis John) (02:18) 7. Talk To Me, Talk To Me (Joe Seneca) (02:43) 8. Home At Last (Rudy Toombs) (02:47) 9. My Nerves (B. Marks - Rudy Toombs) (02:34) 10. Leave My Kitten Alone (John - Turner - McDougal) (02:33) Smiley Lewis 11. How Long (Bartholomew - Lewis) (02:17) 12. Goin' To Jump And Shout (Bartholomew - King) (01:57) 13. Ain't Goin' There No More (Bartholomew - King) (02:13) 14. Last Night (Jacobs) (02:26) 15. Tee-Nah-Nah (Lewis) (02:14) 16. Lonesome Highway (Bartholomew) (02:14) 17. Lying Woman (Lewis) (02:31) 18. No Letter Today (Brown) (01:53) 19. Mama Don't Like (Bartholomew - King) (02:44) 20. I Want To Be With Her (Bartholomew - Gilmore) (02:29) TOTAL TIME 49:09 Furry Lewis 1. Everybody's Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:55) 2. Sweet Papa Moan (Furry Lewis) (02:12) 3. Kassie Jones Pt.1 (Furry Lewis) (03:07) 4. Billy Lyons And Stack-O-Lee (Furry Lewis) (02:34) 5. Judge Harsh Blues (Furry Lewis) (03:01) 6. John Henry (Furry Lewis) (02:54) 7. Black Gypsy Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:50) 8. I Will Turn Your Money Green (Furry Lewis) (03:12) 9. Jelly Roll (Furry Lewis) (02:39) 10. Good Looking Girl Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:53) 11. Mistreatin' Mama (Furry Lewis) (03:08) 12. Furry's Blues (Furry Lewis) (03:16) 13. Mean Old Bed Bug Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:45) 14. Big Chief Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:52) 15. Why Don't You Come Home Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:46) Robert Lockwood 16. Dust My Broom (Robert Johnson) (02:45) 17. Pearly B (R. Lockwood) (02:28) 18. Aw Aw Baby (R. Lockwood) (02:38) 19. Sweet Woman From Maine (R. Lockwood) (03:01) 20. You've Gotta Stop This Mess (R. Lockwood) (02:44) TOTAL TIME 56:51 Magic Sam 1. All Your Love (Magic Sam) (02:56) 2. Love Me With A Feeling (Magic Sam) (02:08) 3. Everything Gonna Be Alright (Magic Sam) (02:46) 4. Easy Baby (Magic Sam - Willie Dixon) (03:29) 5. 21 Days In Jail (Magic Sam - Willie Dixon) (02:45) Jimmy McCracklin 6. Listen Woman (J. McCracklin) (02:47) 7. I Can't Understand Love (J. McCracklin) (03:00) 8. Josephine (Just Won't Let Her Go) (J. McCracklin) (02:37) 9. Love When It Rains (J. McCracklin) (02:36) 10. I Think My Time Is Here (J. McCracklin) (03:02) 11. Deceivin' Blues (J. McCracklin) (02:55) 12. Beer Drinkin' Woman (J. McCracklin) (03:00) 13. Hamburger Joint (J. McCracklin) (03:00) 14. Just Won't Let Her Go (J. McCracklin) (02:56) 15. Rockin' All Day (J. McCracklin) (02:42) 16. Gotta Cut Out (J. McCracklin) (02:27) 17. Rockin' Man (J. McCracklin) (03:00) 18. Looking For A Woman (J. McCracklin) (02:34) 19. True Love Blues (J. McCracklin) (02:39) 20. The Walk (Garlic) (02:42) TOTAL TIME 56:12 Percy Mayfield 1. Please Send Me Someone To Love (P. Mayfield) (02:57) 2. Strange Things Happening (P. Mayfield) (02:52) 3. What A Fool I Was (P. Mayfield) (02:49) 4. Lost Love (Baby, Please) (P. Mayfield) (02:58) 5. Advice (P. Mayfield) (02:58) 6. Nightmare (P. Mayfield) (02:25) 7. You Don't Exist No More (P. Mayfield) (02:50) 8. Get Way Back (P. Mayfield) (02:41) 9. The River's Invitation (P. Mayfield) (02:56) 10. Life Is Suicide (P. Mayfield) (02:51) Johnny Moore's Three Blazers 11. Dragnet Blues (J. Moore) (02:38) 12. Saturday Night (Four Nights Drunk) (J. Moore) (03:19) 13. Johnny, Johnny (J. Moore) (02:51) 14. Down In Texas (J. Moore) (02:19) 15. Be Cool (J. Moore) (02:49) 16. Playing Numbers (J. Moore) (02:19) 17. Crazy With The Blues (J. Moore) (02:53) 18. Nightmare Blues (J. Moore) (02:57) 19. Gee, It's Rough (J. Moore) (02:42) 20. I Don't Know, Yes I Know (J. Moore) (02:41) TOTAL TIME 55:25 Memphis Minnie 1. Frisco Town (McCoy - Lawler) (02:55) 2. Moonshine (E. Lawler) (02:47) 3. Nothing In Rambling (E. Lawler) (02:44) 4. I'm Talking About You (McCoy - E. Lawler) (02:42) 5. Joe Louis Strut (E. Lawler) (02:52) 6. Me And My Chauffeur Blues (E. Lawler) (02:46) 7. My Baby Don't Want Me No More (E. Lawler) (02:53) 8. Bumble Bee (McCoy - E. Lawler) (03:18) 9. Boy Friend Blues (E. Lawler) (02:47) 10. In My Girlish Days (E. Lawler) (02:34) Big Maybelle 11. Gabbin' Blues (Don't Run My Business) (Kirkland - McCoy) (02:41) 12. Rain Down Rain (Chase) (03:05) 13. Way Back Home (Smith - McCoy) (02:45) 14. Please Stay Away From My Sam (Kirkland - McCoy) (02:34) 15. Jinny Mule (Kirkland - Wyche) (02:46) 16. I've Got A Feelin' (Wyche) (02:57) 17. One Monkey Don't Stop No Show (Singleton - McCoy) (02:52) 18. Hair Dressin' Women (Kirkland - McCoy) (03:25) 19. Don't Leave Poor Me (Smith - Singleton - Kirkland) (02:37) 20. No More Trouble Out Of Me (Singleton - McCoy) (03:26) TOTAL TIME 57:37 Roy Milton 1. Cryin' And Singin' The Blues (Bartley - Hickman) (02:35) 2. I Want A Little Girl (Moll - Mencher) (02:46) 3. My Blue Heaven (Whiting - Donaldson) (02:32) 4. 'Taint Me (Palmer - Davis) (02:34) 5. Groovy Blues (Camille - Howard) (02:37) 6. Waking Up Blues (Milton) (02:36) 7. Sympathetic Blues (Milton) (02:44) 8. Playboy Blues (Milton) (02:34) 9. Rhythm Cocktail (Milton) (02:23) 10. Bye Bye Blues (Milton) (03:01) Amos Milburn 11. Chicken Shack Boogie (Amos Milburn - A.L. Cullum) (02:27) 12. I'm Still A Fool For You (Ray Williams) (02:22) 13. All Is Well (Amos Milburn) (02:31) 14. My Happiness Depends On You (Ray Williams) (02:08) 15. I Know You Love Me (Amos Milburn) (02:58) 16. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer (Rudy Toombs) (02:51) 17. Bad Bad Whiskey (Adella Davis - Thomas Maxwell Davis) (02:54) 18. Let's Have A Party (R. Mesner) (02:30) 19. Down The Road Apiece (D. Raye) (02:55) 20. Trouble In Mind (Amos Milburn) (02:33) TOTAL TIME 52:43 Big Maceo 1. Worried Life Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (02:56) 2. County Jail Blues (Alfred Fields) (02:56) 3. Can't You Read (Tampa Red) (03:12) 4. Tuff Luck Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:03) 5. It's All Up To You (Maceo Merriweather) (03:10) 6. Poor Kelly Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:19) 7. My Last Go Round (Dan Howell) (03:03) 8. I Got The Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (02:51) 9. Ramblin' Mind Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:11) 10. Why Should I Hang Around (Maceo Merriweather) (03:12) Blind Willie McTell 11. Georgia Rag (Willie McTell) (03:03) 12. Rough Alley Blues (Willie McTell) (03:16) 13. Low Rider's Blues (Willie McTell) (03:15) 14. Painful Blues (Willie McTell) (02:52) 15. Experience Blues (Willie McTell) (03:11) 16. Low Down Blues (Willie McTell) (03:12) 17. Lonesome Day Blues (Willie McTell) (03:12) 18. Mama, Let Me Scoop For You (Willie McTell) (03:07) 19. Rollin' Mama Blues (Willie McTell) (03:03) 20. Searching The Desert For The Blues (Willie McTell) (03:07) TOTAL TIME 62:22 Memphis Slim 1. Really Got The Blues (Peter Chatman) (02:38) 2. Mother Earth (Peter Chatman) (02:41) 3. I Guess I'm A Fool (Peter Chatman) (03:02) 4. Havin' Fun (Peter Chatman) (02:22) 5. Marack (Peter Chatman) (02:32) 6. Tia Juana (Peter Chatman) (02:52) 7. Reverend Bounce (Peter Chatman) (02:37) 8. I'm Crying (Peter Chatman) (03:16) 9. Blues For My Baby (Peter Chatman) (02:41) 10. Slim's Blues (Peter Chatman) (02:59) Tommy McClennan 11. Baby, Don't You Want To Go (Tommy McClennan) (02:55) 12. You Can't Mistreat Me (Tommy McClennan) (02:41) 毎月5日・15日・25日限定配布の「5のつく日5%割引クーポン」 や毎月11日・22日限定配布の「ゾロ目の日5%割引クーポン」 を無料で取得して即決価格で落札すると5%引きになります。 毎週土日限定配布の「千円以上二百円引きゴールドクーポン」 (↑毎週金曜夜24時から日曜の夜23時59分までにクリックすると入手出来ます↑) を無料で取得すると 土曜・日曜・月曜のご落札はPayPay関連の支払いは二百円割引になります。(注意:利用条件あり)
【送料無料】希少盤CD2枚組[DROPPIN’IN WITH / THE PAUL BUTTERFIELD BLUES BAND] 1965-1966年 マイク・ブルームフィールド在籍時ライブ
52枚組ブルース大全集●お一つ限り●送料600円より●ホーナーPuckハーモニカ付初回限定盤●新品CD●ブックレット付●ABC Of The Blues
HOHNER ホーナー ブルース・ハープ(ハーモニカ) 復刻版Puck付
52枚組ボックス 2010年新マスタリング
ドイツ盤新品未開封CD 28ページブックレット付
Kokomo Arnold
1. Backfence Picket Blues (James Arnold) (03:06)
2. Fool Man Blues (James Arnold) (03:06)
3. Long And Tall (James Arnold) (02:46)
4. Sally Dog (James Arnold) (02:48)
5. Cold Winter Blues (James Arnold) (03:09)
6. Sister Jane Cross The Hall (James Arnold) (02:39)
7. Wild Water Blues (James Arnold) (03:13)
8. Laugh And Grin Blues (James Arnold) (03:09)
9. Mean Old Twister (James Arnold) (02:57)
10. Red Beans And Rice (James Arnold) (03:03)
Billy Boy Arnold
11. My Heart Is Crying (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:08)
12. I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:41)
13. I Ain't Got You (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:13)
14. Here's My Picture (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:10)
15. You Got Me Wrong (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:39)
16. Prisoner's Plea (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:49)
17. Every Day, Every Night (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:26)
18. No, No, No, No, No (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:34)
19. Rockinitis (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:38)
20. I Was Fooled (Billy Boy Arnold) (02:50)
Richard Berry
1. Louie, Louie (Richard Berry) (02:15)
2. Sweet Sugar You (Richard Berry) (02:48)
3. You Look So Good (Richard Berry) (02:19)
4. Mess Around (Richard Berry) (02:37)
5. No Room (Richard Berry) (03:16)
6. I Want You To Be My Girl (Richard Berry) (03:20)
7. I'm Your Fool (Richard Berry) (02:56)
8. Walk Right In (Richard Berry) (03:04)
9. Give It Up (Richard Berry) (02:37)
10. Have Love, Will Travel (Richard Berry) (02:56)
Barbecue Bob
11. Yo Yo Blues (Robert Hicks) (02:59)
12. California Blues (Robert Hicks) (02:59)
13. Motherless Chiles Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:16)
14. She's Coming Back Some Cold Rainy Day (Robert Hicks) (03:07)
15. Barbecue Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:14)
16. Ease It To Me Blues (Robert Hicks) (03:01)
17. Chocolate To The Bone (Robert Hicks) (02:54)
18. Good Time Rounder (Robert Hicks) (03:18)
19. Atlanta Moan (Robert Hicks) (03:09)
20. Diddle-Da-Diddle (Robert Hicks) (03:01)
Bobby "Blue" Bland
1. It's My Life, Baby (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:45)
2. Honey Bee (D. Robey) (02:30)
3. Lost Lover Blues (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:37)
4. Time Out (F Washington - D. Robey) (02:50)
5. Million Miles From Nowhere (D. Robey) (02:52)
6. You've Got Bad Intentions (J. Scott) (02:32)
7. I Don't Believe (D. Robey - M. Charles) (02:38)
8. You Did Me Wrong (D. Malone) (02:36)
9. Last Night (D. Robey) (02:53)
10. Wise Man's Blues (D. Mattis - D. Robey) (02:51)
Charles Brown
11. Driftin' Blues (Brown - Moore - Williams) (03:15)
12. Trouble Blues (C. Brown) (02:23)
13. In The Evening When The Sun Goes Down (Trad.) (02:56)
14. Get Yourself Another Fool (Tucker - Haywood) (03:03)
15. Black Night (J.M. Robinson) (03:08)
16. Hard Times (J. Leiber - M. Stoller) (03:10)
17. Cryin' Mercy (K. Owens) (02:43)
18. Evening Shadows (Q. Martin) (02:46)
19. Fool's Paradise (Johnny Fuller - R. Geddins - D. Avid) (02:47)
20. Merry Christmas, Baby (J. Moore - L. Baxter) (02:53)
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
1. Midnight Hour (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:45)
2. Ain't That Dandy (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:52)
3. Dirty Work At The Crossroads ' (Don Robey - Duchess) (02:47)
4. Hurry Back Good News (Don Robey - Duchess) (02:46)
5. Okie Dokie Stomp (Pluma Davis - Duchess) (02:34)
6. Sad Hour (C. Brown - Don Robey - Duchess) (02:51)
7. Gate's Salty Blues (Eddie Curtis) (02:45)
8. Just Before Dawn (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:09)
9. Depression Blues (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:55)
10. For Now So Long (C. Brown - Duchess) (02:45)
Blue Lu Barker
11. Trombone Man Blues (Barker - Black) (02:52)
12. Here's A Little Girl (Barker) (03:15)
13. A Little Bird Told Me (Barker - Brooks) (02:12)
14. What Did You Do To Me? (Barker - Hunter) (02:33)
15. Leave My Man Alone (Barker) (02:31)
16. Now You're Down In The Alley (Barker) (02:35)
17. When The Wagon Comes (Barker) (02:56)
18. Loan Me Your Husband (Barker) (02:46)
19. Bow Legged Daddy (Barker) (02:50)
20. Love That Man (Barker) (02:41)
Big Bill Broonzy
1. Mississippi River Blues ' (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:42)
2. Long Tall Mama (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:48)
3. Worrying You Off My Mind (Part 1)(William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:05)
4. Rising Sun Shine On (Lester Melrose) (03:10)
5. Come Home Early (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:00)
6. Good Jelly (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:17)
7. Bull Cow Blues (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:52)
8. I Can't Make You Satisfied (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (03:13)
9. How You Want It Done (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:51)
10. Hattie Blues (William Lee Conley Broonzy) (02:44)
Scrapper Blackwell
11. Kokomo Blues (Kokomo Arnold) (03:04)
Blind Blake
12. Come On Boys, Let's Do That Messin' Around (Blind Blake) (02:45)
13. Hard Pushin' Papa (Blind Blake) (02:36)
14. Skeedle Loo Doo Blues (Blind Blake) (03:02)
15. Georgia Bound (Blind Blake) (03:22)
16. Too Tight Blues, No. 2 (Blind Blake) (02:55)
17. Diddie Wah Diddie (Blind Blake) (02:58)
18. Southern Rag (Blind Blake) (02:50)
19. C.C. Pill Blues (Blind Blake) (02:28)
20. Rope Stretching Blues, Pt. 1 (Blind Blake) (03:02)
Champion Jack Dupree
1. Strollin' (Jack Dupree) (03:01)
2. T.B. Blues (Jack Dupree) (03:42)
3. Can't Kick The Habit (Jack Dupree) (03:43)
4. Evil Woman (Jack Dupree) (04:21)
5. Nasty Boogie (Jack Dupree) (03:10)
6. Junker's Blues (Jack Dupree) (03:12)
7. Bad Blood (Jack Dupree) (03:59)
8. Goin' Down Slow (Jack Dupree) (04:04)
9. Frankie Johnny (Jack Dupree) (03:23)
10. Stack-O-Lee (Jack Dupree) (03:56)
Cousin Joe
11. Fly Hen Blues (Pleasant Joseph) (02:38)
12. Little Eva (Pleasant Joseph) (02:33)
13. Lightning Struck The Poorhouse (Pleasant Joseph) (03:04)
14. Baby You Don't Know At All (Pleasant Joseph) (02:43)
15. The Barefoot Baby (Pleasant Joseph) (02:49)
16. Box Car Shorty And Peter Blue
(Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:42)
17. Beggin' Woman (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:47)
18. Sadie Brown (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:46)
19. Evolution Blues (Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:58)
20. Box Car Shorty's Confession
(Pleasant Joseph - Sammy Price) (02:41)
Leroy Carr Scrapper Blackwell
1. Wrong Man Blues (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:16)
2. Gettin' All Wet (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:28)
3. Blue With The Blues (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:29)
4. Christmas In Jail, Ain't That A Pain
(L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:12)
5. That's Tellin'em (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:01)
6. Papa Wants A C ookie (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:44)
7. The Dirty Dozen (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:53)
8. Carried Water For The Elephant (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:57)
9. Let's Disagree (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (02:56)
10. Papa's Got Your Water On (L. Carr - S. Blackwell) (03:13)
Pee Wee Crayton
11. Win-O (C.C. Crayton) (02:18)
12. I Got News For You (C.C. Crayton) (02:39)
13. Blues Before Dawn (C.C. Crayton) (01:59)
14. Don't Break My Heart (C.C. Crayton) (02:52)
15. The Telephone Is Ringing (C.C. Crayton) (02:54)
16. California Women (C.C. Crayton) (03:28)
17. Blues For My Baby (C.C. Crayton) (02:58)
18. Dedicated To The Blues (C.C. Crayton - Taub) (03:05)
19. Phone Call From My Baby (C.C. Crayton) (02:48)
20. Blues After Hours (C.C. Crayton) (03:07)
Bo Diddley
1. I'm A Man (Ellas McDaniel) (02:59)
2. Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:48)
3. Pretty Thing (Willie Dixon) (02:50)
4. Bring It To Jerome (Jerome Green) (02:29)
5. Diddy Wah Diddy (Ellas McDaniel - Willie Dixon) (02:33)
6. I'm Looking For A Woman (Ellas McDaniel) (02:33)
7. Who Do You Love? (Ellas McDaniel) (02:29)
8. You Don't Love Me (Ellas McDaniel) (02:53)
9. Hey Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:12)
10. Mona (I Need You Baby) (Ellas McDaniel) (02:22)
11. Say Boss Man (Ellas McDaniel) (02:33)
12. Before You Accuse Me (Ellas McDaniel) (03:06)
13. Say Man (Ellas McDaniel) (03:13)
14. The Clock Strikes Twelve (Ellas McDaniel) (02:59)
15. Crackin' Up (Ellas McDaniel) (02:06)
16. Don't Let It Go (Hold On To What You Got) (Ellas McDaniel) (02:46)
17. Mumblin' Guitar (Ellas McDaniel) (02:49)
18. She's Alright (Ellas McDaniel) (04:04)
19. Road Runner (Ellas McDaniel) (02:49)
20. The Story Of Bo Diddley (Ellas McDaniel) (02:52)
Willie Dixon
1. Don't Let That Music Die (W. Dixon) (02:31)
2. I Ain't Gonna Be Your Monkey Man ' (L. Caston - W. Dixon) (02:59)
3. Money Tree Blues (W. Dixon) (02:45)
4. Since My Baby Gone (L. Caston) (03:01)
5. No One To Love Me (L. Caston) (02:51)
6. Hard Notch Boogie Beat (L. Caston - O. Crawford - W. Dixon) (02:46)
7. If The Sea Was Whiskey (L. Caston - W. Dixon) (03:05)
8. Got You On My Mind (J. Thomas - H. Biggs) (02:54)
9. Tell That Woman (W. Dixon) (02:39)
10. Come Here Baby (J. Thomas - H. Biggs) (02:26)
Floyd Dixon
11. Dallas Blues (Dixon) (03:19)
12. Moonshine (Dixon - Calhoun - Gerald) (02:38)
13. Real Lovin' Mama (Dixon) (02:47)
14. Prairie Dog Blues (Hurley) (02:44)
15. Shuffle Blues (Norris) (03:00)
16. Blues For Cuba (Williams - Hurley) (02:40)
17. Telephone Blues (Dixon) (03:13)
18. Lovin' (Cadrez) (02:30)
19. Let's Dance (Dixon) (02:39)
20. Opportunity Blues (Dixon - Harper - Zachery) (02:32)
Snooks Eaglin
1. Careless Love (Traditional) (02:30)
2. Let Me Go Home, Whisky (Snooks Eaglin) (02:52)
3. Trouble In Mind (Snooks Eaglin) (02:46)
4. St. James Infirmary (Traditional) (02:18)
5. Rock Island Line (Snooks Eaglin) (02:02)
6. Sophisticated Blues (Snooks Eaglin) (02:06)
7. I'm Looking For A Woman (Snooks Eaglin) (02:23)
8. Look Down That Lonesome Road (Snooks Eaglin) (01:44)
9. I Got My Questionnaire (Snooks Eaglin) (03:19)
10. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer (Snooks Eaglin) (02:40)
Sleepy John Estes
11. Jack And Jill Blues (John Estes) (02:38)
12. Poor Man's Friend (T Model) (03:07)
13. Hobo Jungle Blues (John Estes) (02:55)
14. Airplane Blues (John Estes) (02:51)
15. Floating Bridge (John Estes) (03:10)
16. Need More Blues (John Estes) (02:53)
17. Fire Department Blues (Martha Hardin) (03:06)
18. New Someday Baby (John Estes) (02:49)
19. Liquor Store Blues (John Estes) (02:27)
20. Brownsville Blues (John Estes) (03:07)
Lowell Fulson
1. I Wanna Make Love To You (L. Fulson) (03:18)
2. Rock'em Dead (L. Fulson) (02:31)
3. You Better Rock This Morning (L. Fulson) (01:49)
4. Rollin' Blues (L. Fulson) (02:50)
5. Someday Baby (L. Fulson) (03:09)
6. It Took A Long Time (L. Fulson) (02:39)
7. That's Alright (L. Fulson) (02:44)
8. It's A Long Time (L. Fulson) (02:48)
9. Loving You (L. Fulson) (03:01)
10. Lonely Hours (L. Fulson) (02:52)
The Four Blazes
11. Stop Boogie Woogie (McDaniel) (02:43)
12. Snag The Britches (Braden) (02:34)
13. Raggedy Ride (Braden) (02:15)
14. Perfect Woman (Braden) (02:42)
15. Night Train (Braden) (02:54)
16. Never Start Living (Williams) (02:19)
17. Women, Women (Braden) (02:45)
18. Drunken Blues (Braden) (02:54)
19. My Hat's On The Side Of My Head (Williams) (02:46)
20. Mary Jo (Braden) (02:36)
Buddy Guy
1. Try To Quit You, Baby
(Magic Sam - Archie Toscano) (02:39)
2. You Sure Can't Do (Willie Dixon) (02:41)
3. This Is The End (Willie Dixon) (02:58)
4. Sit And Cry (The Blues) (Willie Dixon) (03:03)
Arthur Gunter
5. Baby Let's Play House (Arthur Gunter) (02:47)
6. No Naggin', No Draggin' (Arthur Gunter) (02:45)
7. Honey Babe (Ernest Young) (02:33)
8. Little Blue Jeans Woman (Arthur Gunter) (02:28)
9. Baby You Better Listen (Arthur Gunter) (02:37)
10. I Want Her Back (Arthur Gunter) (02:38)
11. Crazy Me (Ernest Young) (02:48)
12. Ludella (Arthur Gunter) (02:54)
13. Blues After Hours (Arthur Gunter) (02:31)
Slim Gaillard
14. Walkin' Cookin' Blues (Gaillard) (04:35)
15. Blue Heaven (Donaldson - Whiting) (02:26)
16. Thunderbird (Gaillard - Orenstein) (02:11)
17. Chicken Rhythm (Gaillard - Squires) (02:16)
18. I Love You (Archer - Thompson) (02:52)
19. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You
(Young - Crosby - Washington) (02:24)
20. Don't Blame Me (McHugh - Fields) (04:10)
John Lee Hooker
1. Dimples (John Lee Hooker) (02:14)
2. I'm In The Mood (John Lee Hooker) (03:06)
3. Boogie Chillen' (John Lee Hooker) (03:09)
4. Let Your Daddy Ride (John Lee Hooker) (02:40)
5. John L's House Rent Boogie (John Lee Hooker) (03:02)
6. Weeping Willow Boogie (John Lee Hooker) (02:49)
7. Huckle Up Baby (John Lee Hooker) (02:50)
8. Hobo Blues (John Lee Hooker) (03:03)
9. Crawlin' King Snake (John Lee Hooker) (03:02)
10. Sally Mae (John Lee Hooker) (03:09)
Wynonie Harris
11. Around The Clock Pt. 1 2 (W. Harris) (05:41)
12. Yonder Goes My Baby (W. Harris) (02:45)
13. Don't Take My Whiskey Away From Me (W. Harris) (02:10)
14. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (W. Harris) (02:48)
15. Time To Change Your Town (W. Harris) (02:34)
16. You Got To Get Yourself A Job, Girl (W. Harris) (02:41)
17. Oh Babe! (W. Harris) (02:50)
18. Luscious Woman (W. Harris) (02:47)
19. Stormy Night Blues (W. Harris) (02:39)
20. Git To Gittin' Baby (W. Harris) (02:16)
Earl Hooker
1. Sweet Black Angel (E. Hooker) (03:08)
2. Earl's Boogie Woogie (E. Hooker) (02:33)
3. Goin' Down The Line (E. Hooker) (02:16)
4. Guitar Rag (E. Hooker) (02:51)
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
5. I Put A Spell On You (Hawkins - Slotkin) (02:23)
6. Yellow Coat (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:21)
7. If You Are But A Dream (A. Rubinstein - Jaffe - J. Fulton - Box) (02:47)
8. You Made Me Love (J.V. Monaco - J. McCarthy) (01:59)
9. Orange Colored Sky (M. Delugg - W. Stein) (02:47)
10. Hong Kong (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:17)
11. Baptize Me In Wine (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:32)
12. Not Anymore (Hawkins - Nahan) (03:00)
13. I Hear Voices (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:35)
14. The Whammy (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:30)
15. Little Demon (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:22)
16. Poor Folks (Hawkins - Nahan) (03:00)
17. Your Kind Of Love (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:18)
18. Ashes (Hawkins - Nahan) (02:28)
19. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Traditional) (01:49)
20. Ol' Man River (Traditional) (04:20)
Lightnin' Hopkins
1. Katie Mae Blues (Hopkins) (03:00)
2. Play With Your Poodle (Hopkins) (02:32)
3. Automobile (Hopkins) (02:47)
4. "T" Model Blues (Hopkins) (02:36)
5. Baby Please Don't Go (Joe Lee Williams) (02:51)
6. Needed Time (Hopkins) (02:53)
7. Short Haired Woman (Hopkins) (02:36)
8. Mad With You (Hopkins) (02:28)
9. Lightnin' Boogie (Hopkins) (02:49)
10. Give Me Central 209 (Robert Ellen) (02:58)
11. Coffee Blues (Hopkins) (02:43)
12. What's The Matter Now (Hopkins) (02:29)
13. I'm Wild About You Baby (Robert Shad) (02:54)
14. Movin' On Out Boogie (Hopkins) (02:16)
15. Policy Game (Joe Luke) (03:03)
16. Lightnin' Jump (Hopkins) (02:30)
17. Late In The Evening (Robert Tanner) (02:50)
18. They Wonder Who I Am (Hopkins) (02:09)
19. Had A Gal Called Sal (Hopkins) (02:16)
20. Blues For My C ookie (Hopkins) (02:25)
Howlin' Wolf
1. Look-A-Here Baby (Chester Burnett) (02:11)
2. Smile At Me (Chester Burnett) (02:06)
3. California Boogie (Chester Burnett) (02:57)
4. My Baby Walked Off (Chester Burnett) (03:00)
5. Chocolate Drop (Chester Burnett) (02:42)
6. Mr. Highway Man (Chester Burnett) (02:49)
7. Color And Kind (Chester Burnett) (03:12)
8. Everybody's In The Mood (Chester Burnett) (02:59)
9. (Well) That's Alright (Chester Burnett) (03:02)
10. Baby Ride With Me (Chester Burnett) (02:42)
11. Decoration Day Blues (Chester Burnett) (03:17)
12. Moanin' At Midnight (Chester Burnett) (02:56)
13. The Wolf Is At Your Door (Chester Burnett) (02:58)
14. Getting Old And Grey (Chester Burnett) (02:37)
15. Oh, Red! (Chester Burnett) (02:38)
16. My Last Affair (Chester Burnett) (02:59)
17. Dorothy Mae (Chester Burnett) (02:45)
18. I Got A Woman'/'Sweet Woman (Chester Burnett) (03:28)
19. Bluebird Blues (Chester Burnett) (02:50)
20. Howlin' Wolf Boogie (Chester Burnett) (02:38)
Alberta Hunter
1. Down Hearted Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:04)
2. Why Did You Pick Me Up When I Was Down ' (Alberta Hunter) (03:27)
3. Don't Pan Me (Alberta Hunter) (03:00)
4. Jazzin' Baby Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:15)
5. You Can't Have It All (Alberta Hunter) (03:16)
6. You Shall Reap Just What You Sow (Alberta Hunter) (03:13)
7. Taint Nobody's Business (Alberta Hunter) (03:05)
8. If You Want To Keep Your Daddy (Alberta Hunter) (02:45)
9. Chirping The Blues (Alberta Hunter) (03:02)
10. Some Day Sweetheart (Alberta Hunter) (03:06)
Ivory Joe Hunter
11. Heaven Came Down To Earth (Joe Hunter) (02:44)
12. It May Sound Silly (Joe Hunter) (02:46)
13. I Need You (Joe Hunter) (02:55)
14. You Mean Everything To Me (Joe Hunter) (02:23)
15. Shooty Booty (Joe Hunter) (02:03)
16. Yes, I Want You (Joe Hunter) (02:55)
17. I Just Want To Love You (Joe Hunter) (02:23)
18. I'll Never Leave You, Baby (Joe Hunter) (02:41)
19. All About The Blues (Joe Hunter) (02:57)
20. She's Gone (Joe Hunter) (02:38)
Robert Johnson
1. They're Red Hot (Robert Johnson) (03:00)
2. 32-20 Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:53)
3. Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped The Devil) ' (Robert Johnson) (02:49)
4. Stop Breakin' Down Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:16)
5. I Believe I'll Dust My Broom (Robert Johnson) (02:57)
6. Sweet Home Chicago (Robert Johnson) (03:02)
7. Kindhearted Woman Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:51)
8. Ramblin' On My Mind (Robert Johnson) (02:51)
9. Crossroad Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:30)
10. Malted Milk (Robert Johnson) (02:22)
11. Love In Vain Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:28)
12. Honeymoon Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:17)
13. When You Got A Good Friend (Robert Johnson) (02:38)
14. Travelling Riverside Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:45)
15. Terraplane Blues (Robert Johnson) (03:01)
16. Dead Shrimp Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:35)
17. Walkin' Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:30)
18. From Four Till Late (Robert Johnson) (02:22)
19. Last Fair Deal Goin' Down (Robert Johnson) (02:39)
20. Me And The Devil Blues (Robert Johnson) (02:33)
Elmore James
1. Dust My Broom (James) (02:45)
2. Sho' Nuff I Do (James) (02:54)
3. Please Find My Baby (James) (03:07)
4. Cry For Me Baby (London) (02:46)
5. Sunny Land (James - Josea) (03:16)
6. The 12 Year Old Boy (London) (03:05)
7. It Hurts Me, Too (London) (03:04)
8. Hawaiian Boogie (James) (02:19)
9. T.V. Mama (Turner) (02:48)
Lonnie Johnson
10. Have To Change Keys (To Play These Blues) ' (Lonnie Johnson) (03:04)
11. Mr. Johnson's Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:43)
12. Mean Old Bedbug Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:56)
13. Toothache Blues Pt. 1 (Lonnie Johnson) (02:50)
14. Toothache Blues Pt. 2 (Lonnie Johnson) (03:22)
15. Sweet Potato Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (02:59)
16. Guitar Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (03:16)
17. She's Making Whoopee In Hell Tonight ' (Lonnie Johnson) (03:11)
18. Got The Blues For Murder Only (Lonnie Johnson) (03:25)
19. I'm Nuts About That Gal (Lonnie Johnson) (03:09)
20. Deep Blue Sea Blues (Lonnie Johnson) (03:04)
Blind Willie Johnson
1. Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground
(Willie Johnson) (03:22)
2. If I Had My Way I'd Tear The Building Down
(Willie Johnson) (03:10)
3. Praise God I'm Satisfied (Willie Johnson) (03:12)
4. Trouble Will Soon Be Over (Willie Johnson) (03:09)
5. I Know His Blood Can Make Me Whole (Willie Johnson) (03:05)
6. Everybody Ought To Treat A Stranger Right (Willie Johnson) (03:07)
7. It's Nobody's Fault But Mine (Willie Johnson) (03:11)
8. I'm Gonna Run To The City Of Refuge (Willie Johnson) (03:24)
9. Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning (Willie Johnson) (03:05)
10. Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed (Willie Johnson) (03:14)
Tommy Johnson
11. Cool Drink Of Water Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:37)
12. Maggie Campbell Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:39)
13. Canned Heat Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:42)
14. Big Road Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:23)
15. Alcohol And Jake Blues (Tommy Johnson) (03:20)
Skip James
16. If You Haven't Any Hay Get On Down The Road
(N. James) (02:55)
17. 22-20 Blues (N. James) (02:51)
18. How Long "Buck" (N. James) (02:54)
19. Cypress Grove Blues (N. James) (03:13)
20. Devil Got My Woman (N. James) (03:01)
B.B. King
1. B. B. Boogie (J. Taub - B.B. King) (03:15)
2. When Your Baby Packs Up And Goes ' (B.B. King) (02:26)
3. Got The Blues (B.B. King) (02:49)
4. Take A Swing With Me (B.B. King) (02:34)
5. Miss Martha King (B.B. King) (02:41)
6. Mistreated Woman (B.B. King) (02:45)
7. The Other Night Blues (B.B. King - J. Bihari) (03:36)
8. Walkin' And Cryin' (B.B. King - Ling) (02:51)
9. My Baby Is Gone (J. Taub - B.B. King) (01:59)
10. Fine Looking Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:17)
11. She's Dynamite (B.B. King) (02:30)
12. She's A Mean Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:32)
13. Hard Working Woman (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:33)
14. That Ain't The Way To Do It (J. Taub - B.B. King) (02:18)
15. Three O'Clock Blues (J. Taub - B.B. King) (03:00)
16. She Don't Move Me No More (B.B. King) (03:04)
17. Shake It Up And Go (B.B. King) (02:31)
18. My Own Fault Darlin' (B.B. King) (03:21)
19. Gotta Find My Baby (B.B. King - Bihari) (02:43)
20. B.B. Blues (J. Josea - B.B. King) (02:28)
Little Walter
1. Blues With A Feeling (M. Jacobs) (03:09)
2. Juke (M. Jacobs) (02:43)
3. Sad Hours (M. Jacobs) (03:10)
4. Tell Me Mama (M. Jacobs) (02:46)
5. Off The Wall (M. Jacobs) (02:48)
6. You Better Watch Yourself (M. Jacobs) (03:04)
7. My Babe (M. Jacobs) (02:41)
8. Last Night (M. Jacobs) (02:43)
9. You're So Fine (M. Jacobs) (03:03)
10. Roller Coaster (M. Jacobs) (02:53)
11. Moonshine Blues (M. Jacobs) (02:54)
12. Bad Acting Woman (M. Jacobs) (02:45)
13. Blue Baby (M. Jacobs) (02:14)
14. Can't Hold On Much Longer (M. Jacobs) (03:00)
15. Tonight With A Fool (M. Jacobs) (02:54)
16. Boogie (M. Jacobs) (03:00)
17. Red Headed Woman (M. Jacobs) (02:47)
18. I Just Keep Loving Her (M. Jacobs) (02:30)
19. Mean Old World (M. Jacobs) (02:53)
20. Lights Out (M. Jacobs) (02:44)
Lightnin' Slim
1. Rock Me Mama (Lightnin' Slim) (02:47)
2. Bad Luck (Lightnin' Slim) (02:58)
3. New Orleans Bound (Lightnin' Slim) (02:48)
4. Bugger Bugger Boy (Lightnin' Slim) (02:05)
5. I'm A Rollin' Stone (Lightnin' Slim) (02:25)
6. Hoodoo Man (Lightnin' Slim) (02:25)
7. I'm Grown (Lightnin' Slim) (03:07)
8. Nothing But The Devil (Lightnin' Slim) (03:06)
9. Tom Cat Blues (Lightnin' Slim) (02:54)
10. Wintertime Blues (Lightnin' Slim) (03:00)
J.B. Lenoir
11. I Have Married (J.B. Lenoir) (02:28)
12. How Much More (J.B. Lenoir) (02:57)
13. Let's Roll Pt. 1 (J.B. Lenoir) (02:51)
14. The Mojo Pt. 1 (J.B. Lenoir) (02:54)
15. Slow Down Woman (J.B. Lenoir) (03:24)
16. Louise (J.B. Lenoir) (03:04)
17. When I Was Young (J.B. Lenoir) (02:41)
18. Bassology (J.B. Lenoir) (02:54)
19. Play A Little While (J.B. Lenoir) (02:51)
20. Livin' In The White House (J.B. Lenoir) (02:30)
1. Alabama Bound (H. Ledbetter) (03:03)
2. Fort Worth And Dallas Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:01)
3. Leavin' Blues (H. Ledbetter) (02:52)
4. Midnight Special (H. Ledbetter) (02:07)
5. T.B. Woman Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:08)
6. New York City (H. Ledbetter) (03:02)
7. Shorty George (H. Ledbetter) (03:06)
8. John Hardy (H. Ledbetter) (04:19)
9. Bourgeois Blues (H. Ledbetter) (03:16)
10. Good Morning Blues (H. Ledbetter) (02:47)
11. Easy Rider (H. Ledbetter) (03:11)
12. Pretty Flower In Your Backyard (H. Ledbetter) (02:44)
13. Black Snake Moan (H. Ledbetter) (03:09)
14. See See Rider (H. Ledbetter) (02:56)
15. Roberta Pt. 1 (H. Ledbetter) (03:00)
16. Pigmeat (H. Ledbetter) (03:10)
17. Grey Goose (H. Ledbetter) (02:57)
18. Pick A Bale Of Cotton (H. Ledbetter) (03:01)
19. Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (H. Ledbetter) (03:02)
20. Death Letter Blues Pt. 1 (H. Ledbetter) (02:58)
Little Willie John
1. Fever (Davenport - Cooley) (02:43)
2. All Around The World (Titus Turner) (02:58)
3. Suffering With The Blues (Conyers - Pemberton) (02:32)
4. Tell It Like It Is (Rudy Toombs) (02:24)
5. Person To Person (Singleton - McRae) (02:20)
6. Need Your Love So Bad (Mertis John) (02:18)
7. Talk To Me, Talk To Me (Joe Seneca) (02:43)
8. Home At Last (Rudy Toombs) (02:47)
9. My Nerves (B. Marks - Rudy Toombs) (02:34)
10. Leave My Kitten Alone (John - Turner - McDougal) (02:33)
Smiley Lewis
11. How Long (Bartholomew - Lewis) (02:17)
12. Goin' To Jump And Shout (Bartholomew - King) (01:57)
13. Ain't Goin' There No More (Bartholomew - King) (02:13)
14. Last Night (Jacobs) (02:26)
15. Tee-Nah-Nah (Lewis) (02:14)
16. Lonesome Highway (Bartholomew) (02:14)
17. Lying Woman (Lewis) (02:31)
18. No Letter Today (Brown) (01:53)
19. Mama Don't Like (Bartholomew - King) (02:44)
20. I Want To Be With Her (Bartholomew - Gilmore) (02:29)
Furry Lewis
1. Everybody's Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:55)
2. Sweet Papa Moan (Furry Lewis) (02:12)
3. Kassie Jones Pt.1 (Furry Lewis) (03:07)
4. Billy Lyons And Stack-O-Lee (Furry Lewis) (02:34)
5. Judge Harsh Blues (Furry Lewis) (03:01)
6. John Henry (Furry Lewis) (02:54)
7. Black Gypsy Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:50)
8. I Will Turn Your Money Green (Furry Lewis) (03:12)
9. Jelly Roll (Furry Lewis) (02:39)
10. Good Looking Girl Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:53)
11. Mistreatin' Mama (Furry Lewis) (03:08)
12. Furry's Blues (Furry Lewis) (03:16)
13. Mean Old Bed Bug Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:45)
14. Big Chief Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:52)
15. Why Don't You Come Home Blues (Furry Lewis) (02:46)
Robert Lockwood
16. Dust My Broom (Robert Johnson) (02:45)
17. Pearly B (R. Lockwood) (02:28)
18. Aw Aw Baby (R. Lockwood) (02:38)
19. Sweet Woman From Maine (R. Lockwood) (03:01)
20. You've Gotta Stop This Mess (R. Lockwood) (02:44)
Magic Sam
1. All Your Love (Magic Sam) (02:56)
2. Love Me With A Feeling (Magic Sam) (02:08)
3. Everything Gonna Be Alright (Magic Sam) (02:46)
4. Easy Baby (Magic Sam - Willie Dixon) (03:29)
5. 21 Days In Jail (Magic Sam - Willie Dixon) (02:45)
Jimmy McCracklin
6. Listen Woman (J. McCracklin) (02:47)
7. I Can't Understand Love (J. McCracklin) (03:00)
8. Josephine (Just Won't Let Her Go) (J. McCracklin) (02:37)
9. Love When It Rains (J. McCracklin) (02:36)
10. I Think My Time Is Here (J. McCracklin) (03:02)
11. Deceivin' Blues (J. McCracklin) (02:55)
12. Beer Drinkin' Woman (J. McCracklin) (03:00)
13. Hamburger Joint (J. McCracklin) (03:00)
14. Just Won't Let Her Go (J. McCracklin) (02:56)
15. Rockin' All Day (J. McCracklin) (02:42)
16. Gotta Cut Out (J. McCracklin) (02:27)
17. Rockin' Man (J. McCracklin) (03:00)
18. Looking For A Woman (J. McCracklin) (02:34)
19. True Love Blues (J. McCracklin) (02:39)
20. The Walk (Garlic) (02:42)
Percy Mayfield
1. Please Send Me Someone To Love (P. Mayfield) (02:57)
2. Strange Things Happening (P. Mayfield) (02:52)
3. What A Fool I Was (P. Mayfield) (02:49)
4. Lost Love (Baby, Please) (P. Mayfield) (02:58)
5. Advice (P. Mayfield) (02:58)
6. Nightmare (P. Mayfield) (02:25)
7. You Don't Exist No More (P. Mayfield) (02:50)
8. Get Way Back (P. Mayfield) (02:41)
9. The River's Invitation (P. Mayfield) (02:56)
10. Life Is Suicide (P. Mayfield) (02:51)
Johnny Moore's Three Blazers
11. Dragnet Blues (J. Moore) (02:38)
12. Saturday Night (Four Nights Drunk) (J. Moore) (03:19)
13. Johnny, Johnny (J. Moore) (02:51)
14. Down In Texas (J. Moore) (02:19)
15. Be Cool (J. Moore) (02:49)
16. Playing Numbers (J. Moore) (02:19)
17. Crazy With The Blues (J. Moore) (02:53)
18. Nightmare Blues (J. Moore) (02:57)
19. Gee, It's Rough (J. Moore) (02:42)
20. I Don't Know, Yes I Know (J. Moore) (02:41)
Memphis Minnie
1. Frisco Town (McCoy - Lawler) (02:55)
2. Moonshine (E. Lawler) (02:47)
3. Nothing In Rambling (E. Lawler) (02:44)
4. I'm Talking About You (McCoy - E. Lawler) (02:42)
5. Joe Louis Strut (E. Lawler) (02:52)
6. Me And My Chauffeur Blues (E. Lawler) (02:46)
7. My Baby Don't Want Me No More (E. Lawler) (02:53)
8. Bumble Bee (McCoy - E. Lawler) (03:18)
9. Boy Friend Blues (E. Lawler) (02:47)
10. In My Girlish Days (E. Lawler) (02:34)
Big Maybelle
11. Gabbin' Blues (Don't Run My Business)
(Kirkland - McCoy) (02:41)
12. Rain Down Rain (Chase) (03:05)
13. Way Back Home (Smith - McCoy) (02:45)
14. Please Stay Away From My Sam (Kirkland - McCoy) (02:34)
15. Jinny Mule (Kirkland - Wyche) (02:46)
16. I've Got A Feelin' (Wyche) (02:57)
17. One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
(Singleton - McCoy) (02:52)
18. Hair Dressin' Women (Kirkland - McCoy) (03:25)
19. Don't Leave Poor Me (Smith - Singleton - Kirkland) (02:37)
20. No More Trouble Out Of Me (Singleton - McCoy) (03:26)
Roy Milton
1. Cryin' And Singin' The Blues (Bartley - Hickman) (02:35)
2. I Want A Little Girl (Moll - Mencher) (02:46)
3. My Blue Heaven (Whiting - Donaldson) (02:32)
4. 'Taint Me (Palmer - Davis) (02:34)
5. Groovy Blues (Camille - Howard) (02:37)
6. Waking Up Blues (Milton) (02:36)
7. Sympathetic Blues (Milton) (02:44)
8. Playboy Blues (Milton) (02:34)
9. Rhythm Cocktail (Milton) (02:23)
10. Bye Bye Blues (Milton) (03:01)
Amos Milburn
11. Chicken Shack Boogie (Amos Milburn - A.L. Cullum) (02:27)
12. I'm Still A Fool For You (Ray Williams) (02:22)
13. All Is Well (Amos Milburn) (02:31)
14. My Happiness Depends On You (Ray Williams) (02:08)
15. I Know You Love Me (Amos Milburn) (02:58)
16. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer (Rudy Toombs) (02:51)
17. Bad Bad Whiskey
(Adella Davis - Thomas Maxwell Davis) (02:54)
18. Let's Have A Party (R. Mesner) (02:30)
19. Down The Road Apiece (D. Raye) (02:55)
20. Trouble In Mind (Amos Milburn) (02:33)
Big Maceo
1. Worried Life Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (02:56)
2. County Jail Blues (Alfred Fields) (02:56)
3. Can't You Read (Tampa Red) (03:12)
4. Tuff Luck Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:03)
5. It's All Up To You (Maceo Merriweather) (03:10)
6. Poor Kelly Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:19)
7. My Last Go Round (Dan Howell) (03:03)
8. I Got The Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (02:51)
9. Ramblin' Mind Blues (Maceo Merriweather) (03:11)
10. Why Should I Hang Around (Maceo Merriweather) (03:12)
Blind Willie McTell
11. Georgia Rag (Willie McTell) (03:03)
12. Rough Alley Blues (Willie McTell) (03:16)
13. Low Rider's Blues (Willie McTell) (03:15)
14. Painful Blues (Willie McTell) (02:52)
15. Experience Blues (Willie McTell) (03:11)
16. Low Down Blues (Willie McTell) (03:12)
17. Lonesome Day Blues (Willie McTell) (03:12)
18. Mama, Let Me Scoop For You (Willie McTell) (03:07)
19. Rollin' Mama Blues (Willie McTell) (03:03)
20. Searching The Desert For The Blues
(Willie McTell) (03:07)
Memphis Slim
1. Really Got The Blues (Peter Chatman) (02:38)
2. Mother Earth (Peter Chatman) (02:41)
3. I Guess I'm A Fool (Peter Chatman) (03:02)
4. Havin' Fun (Peter Chatman) (02:22)
5. Marack (Peter Chatman) (02:32)
6. Tia Juana (Peter Chatman) (02:52)
7. Reverend Bounce (Peter Chatman) (02:37)
8. I'm Crying (Peter Chatman) (03:16)
9. Blues For My Baby (Peter Chatman) (02:41)
10. Slim's Blues (Peter Chatman) (02:59)
Tommy McClennan
11. Baby, Don't You Want To Go (Tommy McClennan) (02:55)
12. You Can't Mistreat Me (Tommy McClennan) (02:41)
【送料無料】希少盤CD2枚組[DROPPIN’IN WITH / THE PAUL BUTTERFIELD BLUES BAND] 1965-1966年 マイク・ブルームフィールド在籍時ライブ
52枚組ブルース大全集●お一つ限り●送料600円より●ホーナーPuckハーモニカ付初回限定盤●新品CD●ブックレット付●ABC Of The Blues