ブランド品専門のPSA10 ヤマト Yamato OP05-121 SP ALT ART 新時代の主役 Hero Of The New Era/Awakening Of The New Era
【商品説明】 状態:PSA10 自身で鑑定へ提出した物を出品しています。 商品撮影後は傷がつかないように暗所にてスリーブ等に入れて保管しております。 ※鑑定ケース付き 状態詳しくは画像をご確認ください。 追加の撮影も承っております。 【Description】 Please see the details of the picture before you buy it. Condition: PSA10 Language: Japanese. Made in Japan. I'm exhibiting items that we have submitted for appraisal ourselves. After photographing the item, it is stored in a sleeve in a dark place to prevent scratches. With an authenticated case. Please check the pictures for details on the condition of the item. I can also take additional photographs.
状態:PSA10 自身で鑑定へ提出した物を出品しています。
※鑑定ケース付き 状態詳しくは画像をご確認ください。 追加の撮影も承っております。
Please see the details of the picture before you buy it. Condition: PSA10 Language: Japanese. Made in Japan. I'm exhibiting items that we have submitted for appraisal ourselves. After photographing the item, it is stored in a sleeve in a dark place to prevent scratches. With an authenticated case. Please check the pictures for details on the condition of the item. I can also take additional photographs.
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