『3年保証』新しい学校のリーダーズ AG TEE! M Tシャツ 2022年ごろ 送料無料 ATARASHII GAKKO! SUZUKA MIZYU KANON RIN 青春日本代表
ご覧頂きありがとうございます。 新しい学校のリーダーズ、2022年ごろの『AG TEE!』Tシャツです。 2022年はまだまだブレイク前で、販売枚数も少なく、希少な1枚です。 当時着用予定で、洗濯はしましたが、着用することなく保管しておりました。 ご理解頂ける方のご入札をお待ちしております。 ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。 ありがとうございます。 状態:USED サイズ:M 採寸は以下になります。 肩幅:約47センチ 身幅:約52センチ 着丈:約67センチ 袖丈:約20センチ (素人採寸の為、誤差はお許しください。) ※こちらは新品ではございませんので、完品をお求めの方や、USED品にご理解のない方、神経質な方はトラブルの原因になりますので、入札をお控え下さいませ。 ※説明を良くご覧になり、不明なことはご質問下さい。ご納得された上で、ノークレームノーリターンでのご入札をお願い致します。 ※他にもバンドTシャツを中心に、アウトドアブランド、ストリートブランドの衣類、年代物の漫画や、様々なジャンルのCDを出品中ですので、宜しければご覧下さいませ。 Thank you for watching. New school leaders, 'AG TEE!' around 2021It's a T-shirt. I was going to wear it at that time, and I did the laundry, but I kept it without wearing it. We look forward to receiving bids from those who understand. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you. states:USED Size:M The measurements are as follows. Shoulder width: approximately 47 cm Width: Approximately 52 cm Clothes length: approximately 67 cm Sleeve length: approximately 20 cm (As this is an amateur measurement, please forgive the error.) *This is not new, so please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a complete product, don't understand the USED product, or are nervous. *Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return. *We are also exhibiting outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga and various genres of CDs, so please take a look at them if you like band T-shirts.
新しい学校のリーダーズ、2022年ごろの『AG TEE!』Tシャツです。
ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for watching.
New school leaders, 'AG TEE!' around 2021It's a T-shirt.
I was going to wear it at that time, and I did the laundry, but I kept it without wearing it.
We look forward to receiving bids from those who understand.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you.
The measurements are as follows.
Shoulder width: approximately 47 cm
Width: Approximately 52 cm
Clothes length: approximately 67 cm
Sleeve length: approximately 20 cm
(As this is an amateur measurement, please forgive the error.)
*This is not new, so please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a complete product, don't understand the USED product, or are nervous.
*Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return.
*We are also exhibiting outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga and various genres of CDs, so please take a look at them if you like band T-shirts.
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