DUCATI Performance DUCATI Performance:ドゥカティパフォーマンス Short sleeve technical T shirt Cool Down 2 サイズ:L XL : 25595372 : ウェビック1号店
DUCATI Performance DUCATI Performance:ドゥカティパフォーマンス Short sleeve technical T shirt Cool Down 2 サイズ:L XL : 25595372 : ウェビック1号店
※スマホの場合は商品情報を全て表示後【在庫確認ボタン】を押してください ■商品番号 981073705 ■商品概要 【MATERIALS】 Outside:Low absorption Dryarn fabric (40% Polypropylene,40% Polyamide and 20% Polyester) 【GENERAL FEATURES】 Crease-resistant fabric. No ironing Does not absorb water,humidity or perspiration. Maintains the body’s natural temperature No allergic reactions Self-extinguishing
■注意■ この商品は下記となります。必ずご確認ください。 サイズ:L-XL サイズ:S-Mは こちら サイズ:XXL-XXXLは こちら ※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。予めご了承ください。 【DESCRIPTION】 Drudi Performance short sleeve technical T-shirt that combines an eye-catching design with excellent performance in terms of the lightweight,elastic and breathable fabric. Made from low absorption Dryarn fabric,it features new wide woven mesh zones to optimize body breathability and eliminate excess heat in areas prone to increased sweating. Perfect comfort and feeling,also thanks to the reduced seams and area reinforced with a specific design for motorcycling use,ensuring a great fit without hindering freedom of movement. The ideal garment to wear under sports jackets in warm weather,to enjoy the trip and relish every bend. ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※受注後のキャンセル、返品、都合交換はできません。予めご了承ください。
Outside:Low absorption Dryarn fabric (40% Polypropylene,40% Polyamide and 20% Polyester)
Crease-resistant fabric.
No ironing
Does not absorb water,humidity or perspiration.
Maintains the body’s natural temperature
No allergic reactions
Drudi Performance short sleeve technical T-shirt that combines an eye-catching design with excellent performance in terms of the lightweight,elastic and breathable fabric.
Made from low absorption Dryarn fabric,it features new wide woven mesh zones to optimize body breathability and eliminate excess heat in areas prone to increased sweating.
Perfect comfort and feeling,also thanks to the reduced seams and area reinforced with a specific design for motorcycling use,ensuring a great fit without hindering freedom of movement.
The ideal garment to wear under sports jackets in warm weather,to enjoy the trip and relish every bend.