JACKMAN【ジャックマン】GG Sweat Umps Pants:MASON and DIXON
JACKMAN【ジャックマン】GG Sweat Umps Pants:MASON and DIXON
写真同じです JACKMAN【ジャックマン】GG Sweat Umps Pants
詳細 太番手の国産糸を使用し日本国内で編み立てたGG(ガラガラ)裏毛素材のスウエットアンプスパンツです。強い粗挽きの表情が特徴的な杢カラーは太さが異なる3種の糸の濃度を変えることで表現しました。設計はバックネップアンプスパンツ(JM4150)と同じですが、スウェットならではのストレッチ性とドレープ感があります。GGスウェットパンツの新しい形としてリリースしました。 Featuring large side pockets, the vendor pants are inspired by the vendors who peddle nuts and chips at the ball park, an essential part of watching a game. Moderately slim silhouette. Adjustable elastic spindles at the hems. The iconic side pockets are divided at the center of the pocket opening, but are actually "tunnel pockets" connected on the inside, that prevents large items from popping out of the pocket. There is also an "inside pocket" in the left pocket. This is ideal for a cell phone.
JACKMAN【ジャックマン】GG Sweat Umps Pants
Featuring large side pockets, the vendor pants are inspired by the vendors who peddle nuts and chips at the ball park, an essential part of watching a game. Moderately slim silhouette. Adjustable elastic spindles at the hems. The iconic side pockets are divided at the center of the pocket opening, but are actually "tunnel pockets" connected on the inside, that prevents large items from popping out of the pocket. There is also an "inside pocket" in the left pocket. This is ideal for a cell phone.