□商品詳細 スバル 純正品 レガシィBM9/BR9/BN9 WRX VAB B BRZ ZC6 リア リヤ スタビライザーリンク 2本セット スタビリンク 適合に関してなどご不明な点がございましたら車両情報頂ければ確認させて頂きます Genuine SUBARU LEGACY BM9/BR9/BN9 WRX VAB B BRZ ZC6 Rear Rear Sway Bar Link, Set of 2 Sway Bar Links If you have any questions regarding compatibility, please provide us with the vehicle information and we will be happy to confirm. □支払詳細 かんたん決済のみ Only □発送詳細 商品の発送は基本1週間以内に行いますが、稀に1週間以上かかる場合がございます。お急ぎの方やすぐに商品が必要な方は購入をお控え下さい。 We generally ship items within a week, but in rare cases it may take more than a week. Please refrain from purchasing if you are in a hurry or need the product immediately. 全国一律1,500円 Nationwide flat rate 1,500 yen □注意事項 ※※必読※※★土日祝日は発送業務を行っておりません。 、★他販路でも販売してるため、システムの都合上稀に在庫商品の欠品が起こる場合がございますのでご了承下さい。★落札後48時間以内にご連絡いただけない場合は、キャンセル扱いとさせていただき、自動的に落札者削除及び「非常に悪い」の評価が反映されますので、予めご了承ください。★円滑にお取引を進めさせていただくため、落札日より72時間以内のお支払いをお願い致します。★商品到着後できるだけ早く商品をご確認いただき「受け取り連絡」をお願い致します。★ 同一車種・年式によってもグレードによって適合しない場合があります。お客様の商品適合未確認によるキャンセル・交換・返品等は行えません。 must-read We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Please note that due to system reasons, stock items may be out of stock in rare cases, as we also sell through other channels. If you do not contact us within 48 hours of winning an auction, the auction will be cancelled and the bidder will be automatically deleted and a "very bad" rating will be reflected. To ensure a smooth transaction, please make payment within 72 hours of the date of the auction. Please check the items as soon as possible after arrival and notify us when you receive them. No exchanges or returns will be made due to customer's failure to confirm product compatibility. SU0445 + + +この商品説明は オークションプレートメーカー2 で作成しました + + + No.202.001.004
スバル 純正品 レガシィBM9/BR9/BN9 WRX VAB B BRZ ZC6 リア リヤ スタビライザーリンク 2本セット スタビリンク
Genuine SUBARU LEGACY BM9/BR9/BN9 WRX VAB B BRZ ZC6 Rear Rear Sway Bar Link, Set of 2 Sway Bar Links
If you have any questions regarding compatibility, please provide us with the vehicle information and we will be happy to confirm.
We generally ship items within a week, but in rare cases it may take more than a week. Please refrain from purchasing if you are in a hurry or need the product immediately.
Nationwide flat rate 1,500 yen
We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
Please note that due to system reasons, stock items may be out of stock in rare cases, as we also sell through other channels.
If you do not contact us within 48 hours of winning an auction, the auction will be cancelled and the bidder will be automatically deleted and a "very bad" rating will be reflected.
To ensure a smooth transaction, please make payment within 72 hours of the date of the auction.
Please check the items as soon as possible after arrival and notify us when you receive them.
No exchanges or returns will be made due to customer's failure to confirm product compatibility.
+ + +この商品説明は
で作成しました + + +
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