Modern and stylish, the Tower line uses simplicity to bring elegance to any room.
暮らしをもっとスタイリッシュに The best attraction of the tower series is its design. A compact design that eliminates waste and makes the room more spacious, from the kitchen and the living room, the washroom to the entrance. Calculated up to every corner, it is a design that can perform things smartly, so release from storage stress is also released!
蓋付き目隠し分別ダストワゴン 2分別
レジ袋を隠しつつゴミの分別ができるスタイリッシュな蓋付き分別ダストワゴン。瓶・缶・ペットボトル・プラスチックなどを分別できます。片手で開閉でき蓋は90度で開けたままにできるシリコーン製のストッパー付き。お手持ちのコンビニやスーパーのレジ袋や取っ手付きゴミ袋を掛けてお使いいただけます。ハンドル&キャスター付きで移動もラクラク。 袋の取り外しやお掃除の際の移動もスムーズです。底面はストック収納にもご利用いただけます。
-Brand concept-
Modern and stylish,
the Tower line uses simplicity
to bring elegance to any room.
The best attraction of the tower series is its design.
A compact design that eliminates waste and makes
the room more spacious, from the kitchen and the living room,
the washroom to the entrance.
Calculated up to every corner,
it is a design that can perform things smartly,
so release from storage stress is also released!