写真同じですあなたを輝かせる場所 おりんの音は、どことなくあたたかく、 何かにまもられているような感覚を与えてくれます。 よい音は優しく響き、心をおだやかにします。 おりんを中心に 気持ちをゆだねられる場を生み出す この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが 未来への夢や希望の架け橋となりますように。 おりんの音と共にある 上品な暮らしをお楽しみください。 There is something about the sound of Orin that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected, its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind. We hope to continue to create such Orins that will enrich everyday lives of the people with heavenly tones for praying. May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future. Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin. 虹 花 HANA 真鍮製のフラワーベースは、供花にはもちろん、普段使いの一輪挿しにもふさわしい存在感。 球根のように自然な丸みが、みなぎる植物の生命力を支えているかのようです。 真鍮の素地を生かした「金砂」は落ち着いた輝きを、仏具職人の技で鏡面磨きに黒をコーティングした「墨」は静かな煌めきを放ちながら、空間を彩ります。 サイズ:Φ70×高さ70mm 本体:真鍮(墨色、金砂、カメオベージュ) Brass flower vase can be used for offering flowers before the altar as well as for everyday use. Shaped like a bulb, it embodies a vased of life. “Golden sand”makes good use of its brass surface for a soft shine;“ink black”, coated in black over a mirror finish with master craftsmanship, glistens serenely; and“cameo beige”emits dewy elegance in a skillful mix of tradition and contemporary.
この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが
There is something about the sound of Orin
that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected,
its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind.
We hope to continue to create such Orins
that will enrich everyday lives of the people
with heavenly tones for praying.
May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease
be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future.
Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin.
虹 花 HANA
Brass flower vase can be used for offering
flowers before the altar as well as for everyday
use. Shaped like a bulb, it embodies a vased of
life. “Golden sand”makes good use of its brass
surface for a soft shine;“ink black”, coated in
black over a mirror finish with master
craftsmanship, glistens serenely; and“cameo
beige”emits dewy elegance in a skillful mix of
tradition and contemporary.