写真同じですあなたを輝かせる場所 おりんの音は、どことなくあたたかく、 何かにまもられているような感覚を与えてくれます。 よい音は優しく響き、心をおだやかにします。 おりんを中心に 気持ちをゆだねられる場を生み出す この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが 未来への夢や希望の架け橋となりますように。 おりんの音と共にある 上品な暮らしをお楽しみください。 There is something about the sound of Orin that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected, its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind. We hope to continue to create such Orins that will enrich everyday lives of the people with heavenly tones for praying. May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future. Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin. 虹 たまごころ TAMAGOCORO たまごの形をしたミニ骨壺です。 再生、復活、誕生の意味をもつたまごを、故人を偲ぶ手元供養のシンボルになるものとして、手のひらに包み込める小さな壷にしました。 空からキラキラと舞い降りる光を思わせる図柄が彫金されている部分を回し開けると、台座がそのまま容器になっています。 ゆらゆらと揺れながら決して倒れず、大切なご遺骨、指輪などのご遺品を守ります。 本体サイズ:Φ40×高さ50mm 本体:真鍮(柄入り/墨色、金砂、カメオベージュ) A mini urn shaped like an egg symbolizing reproduction, resurrection and birth, this palm-sized container allows you to keep cremated ashes of your loved ones at hand. Twist open where the motif of speakling lights falling from the sky is engraved, and a container will sppear. Rocking gently but not easily rolling over, this will protect your precious memento such as a ring as well as ashes.
この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが
There is something about the sound of Orin
that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected,
its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind.
We hope to continue to create such Orins
that will enrich everyday lives of the people
with heavenly tones for praying.
May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease
be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future.
Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin.
A mini urn shaped like an egg symbolizing reproduction, resurrection and birth, this palm-sized container allows you to keep cremated ashes of your loved ones at hand. Twist open where the motif of speakling lights falling from the sky is engraved, and a container will sppear. Rocking gently but not easily rolling over, this will protect your precious memento such as a ring as well as ashes.