ICONIC. The first dented backpack for your daily Crashes. “It'll cost you extra to board that trolley,” said the hostess, stopping us at the airport gate. “We're over budget,” boomed our CFO, grabbing the Icon suitcase and ripping off the front with his bare hands. “Sew me some straps and turn it into a backpack that we can board. For free!” So, thanks to his thriftiness, we created the first Iconic backpack. 凸凹デザインがスタイリッシュで遊び心あるスーツケースが大好評。唯一無二の個性をはなつクラッシュバゲージから、日常使いにも最適なバックパックが登場です。前面にはポリカーボネートのハードシェルを備え、優れた保護性能をもっています。ノートPC用収納スリーブも備え、1~2泊程度の容量です。旅行先での行動用~出張にも対応可能。もちろん同社スーツケースとのセットアップも完璧にキマります。形状はシンプルなスクエアタイプなので、意外と幅広いコーディネートに溶け込みます。それでいて他とは圧倒的に異なるデザイン性。普通のリュックに飽きた方にはかなりおすすめです。
■クラッシュバゲージ CRASH BAGGAGE / アイコニックバックパック Iconic Backpack / リュック B4【CB310】
The first dented backpack for your daily Crashes.
“It'll cost you extra to board that trolley,” said the hostess, stopping us at the airport gate. “We're over budget,” boomed our CFO, grabbing the Icon suitcase and ripping off the front with his bare hands. “Sew me some straps and turn it into a backpack that we can board. For free!” So, thanks to his thriftiness, we created the first Iconic backpack.