商品詳細 -Product Details- 【素材】 -material- K10 10金ホワイトゴールド キュービックジルコニア Cubic zirconia 約 0.2カラット あずきチェーン 【サイズ】 -size- トップ 15.0×5.9mm バチカン部分からの全長 18.5mm チェーン 長さ 36.040.0cm 幅 0.8mm 【Diamond GRADE】 --- 【weight】 1.54g 【その他】 定価 26400- ダイヤモンドグレード -Diamond GRADE- ソーティングが無いものは目安ですが以下の基準でランクを付けております。 Those without a diamond report are ranked according to the following criteria. S VVS程度 A VS程度 B SI程度 C それ以下 お取引につきまして-Regarding transactions- ヤフオクかんたん取引のでお取引になります。詳細は下記リンクよりご確認下さい。 取引の流れ 支払い方法:Yahooかんたん決済 発送詳細-Shipping Information- 全品一律送料無料です。 All in-stock items are processed and shipped within five business days. We do ship internationally to all addresses across the world. The client is responsible for any duties or taxes collected by your local government. Lauren B is not responsible for any of these charges so please check the rates ahead of time. Orders of less than $10000 will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx second-day air. Items above this price will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx next-day air. These costs will be added to the total order price. Once the order is shipped we will provide you with a tracking number. We fully insure each item for the final purchase price from the time it is in transit until the time it arrives at its destination and the recipient’s signature is required at the time of delivery. Please note Lauren B cannot be held accountable for delays on the shipper's part due to severe weather or other unexpected conditions.
激レア★WDCC 美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast ル フウ Le Fou ピンバッチ付き 陶器製 フィギュア★ディズニー Disney TDL
-Product Details-
【素材】 -material- K10 10金ホワイトゴールド
キュービックジルコニア Cubic zirconia 約 0.2カラット
【サイズ】 -size-
長さ 36.040.0cm
幅 0.8mm
【Diamond GRADE】
定価 26400-
-Diamond GRADE-
Those without a diamond report are ranked according to the following criteria.
A VS程度
B SI程度
C それ以下
お取引につきまして-Regarding transactions-
発送詳細-Shipping Information-
All in-stock items are processed and shipped within five business days. We do ship internationally to all addresses across the world. The client is responsible for any duties or taxes collected by your local government. Lauren B is not responsible for any of these charges so please check the rates ahead of time. Orders of less than $10000 will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx second-day air. Items above this price will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx next-day air. These costs will be added to the total order price. Once the order is shipped we will provide you with a tracking number. We fully insure each item for the final purchase price from the time it is in transit until the time it arrives at its destination and the recipient’s signature is required at the time of delivery. Please note Lauren B cannot be held accountable for delays on the shipper's part due to severe weather or other unexpected conditions.
激レア★WDCC 美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast ル フウ Le Fou ピンバッチ付き 陶器製 フィギュア★ディズニー Disney TDL
★TDSシンブル★ 10周年
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