Intel Xeon Platinum P-8136 SR2YN 28C 2GHz LGA3647 165W Similar Platinum 8176 当店はPCパーツを販売する専門ショップです。海外からの輸入でもできるだけ短納期にて出荷できるよう常に心がけております。 当店サイト上に表示されていなくてもお取り寄せ可能な商品もございますので、お探しの商品がございましたら、お問い合わせください。■商品の在庫数や、ご不明な点に関してなどお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。■海外にあります当店倉庫より発送させていただきますが、国内アフターサービス拠点がございます。ご安心してご購入いただけます。■高額商品につき、購入の意思を確認するため事前にご質問の上、ご落札くださるようお願い申し上げます。■当商品はES品ではなく正規品です。 1.Intel's definition of Max Turbo Frequency in Intel's official site is "Max turbo frequency is the maximum SINGLE core frequency at which the processor is capable of operating using Intel Turbo Boost Technology. " Therefore, the meaning of "Max Turbo Frequency" which shows on intel's official site, is different from the meaning of the Core speed (Turbo Boost all of the cores simultaneously) shows in the CPU-Z screenshots uploaded on this page. About Intel Turbo Boost, the Calculation of Intel Turbo Boost shows an Example on the middle of this page of this link. Please refer to en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Intel_Turbo_Boost 2.About C6/C7 low-power states problem If you are experiencing stability problems or worse, the system shut down completely. Because most power supplies do NOT support Haswell's C6/C7 low-power states, so If you are experiencing stability problems or worse, the system shut down completely, please disable C6/C7 power states, which will not affect the performance and will just affect the low-power sleep states. Read more: According to an Intel document viewed by the gang at The Tech Report, Haswell’s C6/C7 states requires a minimum load of 0. 05 amps on the 12V2 line. Power supplies that are older or budget models simply aren’t capable of delivering such a small amount of juice. As a result, users with incompatible power supplies may experience stability problems or worse, the system may shut down completely if the power supply unit (PSU)'s under- or over-voltage protection kicks in. 3.About Intel Turbo Boost VS Overclocking In one simple word it is a dynamic overclocking rather than a static overclocking. Because of the item is an ES (engineering sample) version CPU, for detailed specifications, Intel has not yet announced. Please refer to the OEM or retail version of the detailed specifications and the test screenshots of the CPU-Z release. ES detailed specifications for individual products may differ from the OEM or retail version. DESCRIPTION Processor Type: Engineering Sample (ES2) Processor Stepping: Non-Final (B0) Disclaimers: This is NOT a retail processor, which means it does NOT carry an Intel warranty. This is an ES2 processor, which means it does NOT display a model string in the CPU information page of BIOS or operating systems. This is a non-final stepping processor, which means it is not supported by motherboards that require final CPU stepping. This engineering sample ONLY support : HPE ProLiant DL160, DL180, DL325, DL360, DL380, DL385, DL560, DL580 Gen10 Server Server ( Support BIOS version 1.0 series but NOT support BIOS version above 2.0 series. Specifically, the full range of HPE ProLiant Gen10 server is compatible with applicable BIOS versions 1.0 through 1.50. After BIOS version 1.50, it goes directly to BIOS version 2.02 and no longer supports engineering samples of the processor. ) ASUS WS C621E SAGE (requires BIOS upgrade from us) 日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)、国際eパケット かんたん決済(詳細 )■商品の一時的な在庫切れなど特別な事情がない限り、通常は入金確認後、当日又は翌日(土日祝日を除く)の発送になります。ご入札前に必ず自己紹介欄をご確認下さい。自己紹介欄にて、年末年始休業・ゴールデンウィーク休業・お盆休業・臨時休業等を記入しております。■商品到着後 1週間以内に限り、初期不良による返品を受け付けます。■同じ商品が複数個ありますので、一部の写真は使い回しています。 配送について 1. 日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用で商品到着には5日から10日間かかっております。 2. 国際eパケットのご利用で商品到着には1週間から2週間かかっております。 沖縄の場合日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用では遠距離料金として別途2000円がかかりますので沖縄地域は国際eパケットでお送り致します。ご了承ください。 この商品説明は オークション落札相場サイト「オークファン」出品テンプレート で作成されています。 Powered by
Intel Xeon Platinum P-8136 SR2YN 28C 2GHz LGA3647 165W Similar Platinum 8176
1.Intel's definition of Max Turbo Frequency in Intel's official site is "Max turbo frequency is the maximum SINGLE core frequency at which the processor is capable of operating using Intel Turbo Boost Technology. " Therefore, the meaning of "Max Turbo Frequency" which shows on intel's official site, is different from the meaning of the Core speed (Turbo Boost all of the cores simultaneously) shows in the CPU-Z screenshots uploaded on this page. About Intel Turbo Boost, the Calculation of Intel Turbo Boost shows an Example on the middle of this page of this link.
Please refer to en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Intel_Turbo_Boost
2.About C6/C7 low-power states problem
If you are experiencing stability problems or worse, the system shut down completely. Because most power supplies do NOT support Haswell's C6/C7 low-power states, so If you are experiencing stability problems or worse, the system shut down completely, please disable C6/C7 power states, which will not affect the performance and will just affect the low-power sleep states.
Read more:
According to an Intel document viewed by the gang at The Tech Report, Haswell’s C6/C7 states requires a minimum load of 0. 05 amps on the 12V2 line. Power supplies that are older or budget models simply aren’t capable of delivering such a small amount of juice. As a result, users with incompatible power supplies may experience stability problems or worse, the system may shut down completely if the power supply unit (PSU)'s under- or over-voltage protection kicks in.
3.About Intel Turbo Boost VS Overclocking
In one simple word it is a dynamic overclocking rather than a static overclocking. Because of the item is an ES (engineering sample) version CPU, for detailed specifications, Intel has not yet announced. Please refer to the OEM or retail version of the detailed specifications and the test screenshots of the CPU-Z release. ES detailed specifications for individual products may differ from the OEM or retail version.
Processor Type: Engineering Sample (ES2) Processor Stepping: Non-Final (B0) Disclaimers: This is NOT a retail processor, which means it does NOT carry an Intel warranty. This is an ES2 processor, which means it does NOT display a model string in the CPU information page of BIOS or operating systems. This is a non-final stepping processor, which means it is not supported by motherboards that require final CPU stepping.
This engineering sample ONLY support : HPE ProLiant DL160, DL180, DL325, DL360, DL380, DL385, DL560, DL580 Gen10 Server Server ( Support BIOS version 1.0 series but NOT support BIOS version above 2.0 series. Specifically, the full range of HPE ProLiant Gen10 server is compatible with applicable BIOS versions 1.0 through 1.50. After BIOS version 1.50, it goes directly to BIOS version 2.02 and no longer supports engineering samples of the processor. ) ASUS WS C621E SAGE (requires BIOS upgrade from us)
)■商品の一時的な在庫切れなど特別な事情がない限り、通常は入金確認後、当日又は翌日(土日祝日を除く)の発送になります。ご入札前に必ず自己紹介欄をご確認下さい。自己紹介欄にて、年末年始休業・ゴールデンウィーク休業・お盆休業・臨時休業等を記入しております。■商品到着後 1週間以内に限り、初期不良による返品を受け付けます。■同じ商品が複数個ありますので、一部の写真は使い回しています。
1. 日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用で商品到着には5日から10日間かかっております。
2. 国際eパケットのご利用で商品到着には1週間から2週間かかっております。
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