ご覧頂きありがとうございます。 “たま”のファンクラブ限定、鉄橋(たま通信増刊)11本セット、プラス8センチCDです。 CDはもちろん、カセットも何本か再生してみましたが、問題なく聞くことができました。 揃いで、まとまって出品されることはなかなかないと思います。某コレクターズショップでは66000円で販売されております。 お探しだった方も、初見の方も是非ご検討下さい。●1996年春号、夏号、秋号、冬号●1997年春号、夏号、秋号、冬号●1998年上巻、下巻●1999年上巻●1999年下巻※8センチCD USED品にご理解頂ける方のご入札をお待ちしております。 ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。 ありがとうございます。 状態:USED ※こちらは新品ではございませんので、完品をお求めの方や、USED品にご理解のない方、神経質な方はトラブルの原因になりますので、入札をお控え下さいませ。 ※説明を良くご覧になり、不明なことはご質問下さい。ご納得された上で、ノークレームノーリターンでのご入札をお願い致します。 ※他にもバンドTシャツを中心に、アウトドアブランド、ストリートブランドの衣類、年代物の漫画、様々なジャンルのCD等を出品中ですので、宜しければご覧下さいませ。 Thank you for watching. It is a set of 11 iron bridges (increased publication of Tama News Agency) limited to the fan club of "Tama".I played several movies, but I could listen to them without any problems. In 1999, it was only the first volume, but it was made into a CD from the second volume, and I remember that these 11 cassettes were all. I don't think it's easy to put them all together. Whether you are looking for it or seeing it for the first time, please consider it.●1996 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter●1997 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter●1998 Volume 1 and Volume 2●Volume 1 of 1999 We look forward to receiving bids from those who understand the USED products. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you. states:USED *This is not new, so please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a complete product, don't understand the USED product, or are nervous. *Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return. *We are also exhibiting mainly band T-shirts, outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga, and CDs of various genres, so please take a look at them are okay with you.
ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for watching.
It is a set of 11 iron bridges (increased publication of Tama News Agency) limited to the fan club of "Tama".I played several movies, but I could listen to them without any problems.
In 1999, it was only the first volume, but it was made into a CD from the second volume, and I remember that these 11 cassettes were all.
I don't think it's easy to put them all together.
Whether you are looking for it or seeing it for the first time, please consider it.●1996 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter●1997 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter●1998 Volume 1 and Volume 2●Volume 1 of 1999
We look forward to receiving bids from those who understand the USED products.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you.
*This is not new, so please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a complete product, don't understand the USED product, or are nervous.
*Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return.
*We are also exhibiting mainly band T-shirts, outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga, and CDs of various genres, so please take a look at them are okay with you.
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