写真同じですあなたを輝かせる場所 おりんの音は、どことなくあたたかく、 何かにまもられているような感覚を与えてくれます。 よい音は優しく響き、心をおだやかにします。 おりんを中心に 気持ちをゆだねられる場を生み出す この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが 未来への夢や希望の架け橋となりますように。 おりんの音と共にある 上品な暮らしをお楽しみください。 There is something about the sound of Orin that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected, its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind. We hope to continue to create such Orins that will enrich everyday lives of the people with heavenly tones for praying. May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future. Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin. 虹 リンドル RINDLE 墨色 柄入り おりんとキャンドルホルダーをひとつにしました。 揺らぐ炎に祈り、願い、想いを託す時、おりんの清々しい響きがきっと、その助けとなります。 光と音が一体となって揺らめくイメージを表現したカップは、高度な職人技によって非常に薄くつくられており、音色はそのまま。 ロウソクは燭立に、ティーライトは直接カップに乗せられるので、和洋どちらのインテリアにもぴったりです。 虹の中に輝く光を描いた図柄は、ひとつひとつ彫金で仕上げられています。 リンドル(柄入り) 本体サイズ:Φ75×高さ60mm おりん:銅合金(墨色・彫金) カップ:真鍮(真珠色)、燭立:真鍮(クリア) 撥サイズ:Φ25 × 高さ58mm 柄:真鍮(真珠色)、打部:天然木(ケヤキ)うるし塗 Orin and candle holder in one. Orin's crisp sound and flickering flame will support your prayers, wishes and thoughts. The cup, designed in the image of swaying sound and light coming together, has been made extremely thin thanks to master craftmanship for the pure ring. Both stick and tea light cabdles can be used to fit Japanese or western-style rooms. The motif of the gleaming rainbow has been engraved one by one.
この「虹 NIJI」シリーズが
There is something about the sound of Orin
that is warm, surrounding you with a feeling of being protected,
its delicate chimes giving you a peace of mind.
We hope to continue to create such Orins
that will enrich everyday lives of the people
with heavenly tones for praying.
May this NIJI series with Orins and other items that put your mind at ease
be a bridge of hope for your dreams into the future.
Enjoy a quality life with the sound of Orin.
虹 リンドル RINDLE 墨色 柄入り
撥サイズ:Φ25 × 高さ58mm
Orin and candle holder in one. Orin's crisp sound and flickering flame will support your prayers, wishes and thoughts. The cup, designed in the image of swaying sound and light coming together, has been made extremely thin thanks to master craftmanship for the pure ring. Both stick and tea light cabdles can be used to fit Japanese or western-style rooms. The motif of the gleaming rainbow has been engraved one by one.