PSA 10 カビゴン U: マスターボールミラー SV2a 143/165 強化拡張パック ポケモンカード151 Snorlax U: Master Ball Mirror SV2a 143/165 Enhanced Expansion Pack Pokemon Card 151 【注意事項】 ※当方のPSA関連の出品商品には以下の定型文を添えております。 必ずご確認ください。 ・在庫について 当方出品物は他のフリマサイトでも販売しております。 タイミングによっては在庫がない場合がございますので、確実にご購入をご希望の場合は事前にご質問いただければ確保してからご返答させていただきます。 ・PSA10評価でも小さなキズ/凹み/ホロかけ/横線/縦線/白欠け等ある場合がございます。 トラブル防止のため必ず画像にて状態確認をお願いいたします。 また、証明番号をPSAのサイトに入力すると拡大画像を確認できます。 ・こちらの商品は画像の個体をお譲りします。同一画像は使用しておりません。 ケースは丁重に扱っておりますが、稀に鑑定機関出荷時から付いている初期傷や異物混入等がございます。 神経質な方、PSA10評価以上の状態をお求めの方はトラブル防止の為ご購入はご遠慮ください。 【お取引について】 オークション終了後は3日以内にお支払いを完了してください。 評価によってはお取引をキャンセルさせて頂く場合がございます。 すり替え防止のため、返品等には対応できません。予めご了承ください。 【Notes.】 *Our PSA-related items are accompanied by the following standard statement. Please be sure to read them. 【About our stock.】 Our items are also sold on other flea market sites. If you are interested in purchasing an item, please ask us in advance and we will reply to you after we have secured the item. Please note that there may be small scratches, dents, hollowness, white chips, etc. even if the item is rated PSA 10. Please be sure to check the condition of the item in the images to prevent any problems. Please check the images to prevent any problems. The item is sold as shown in the picture. The same image is not used. The case has been handled with care, but there may be some initial scratches or foreign objects that have been attached since shipping from the certifying authority. Please refrain from purchasing this item if you are nervous or if you are looking for a PSA 10 rating or higher in order to prevent problems. For international shipping, click here. 〈They will assist with shipping to your country.In addition, please see my other card listings. You can buy them at the same time and have them shipped together.〉 My other products here.
Snorlax U: Master Ball Mirror SV2a 143/165 Enhanced Expansion Pack Pokemon Card 151
*Our PSA-related items are accompanied by the following standard statement.
Please be sure to read them.
【About our stock.】
Our items are also sold on other flea market sites.
If you are interested in purchasing an item, please ask us in advance and we will reply to you after we have secured the item.
Please note that there may be small scratches, dents, hollowness, white chips, etc. even if the item is rated PSA 10.
Please be sure to check the condition of the item in the images to prevent any problems.
Please check the images to prevent any problems.
The item is sold as shown in the picture. The same image is not used.
The case has been handled with care, but there may be some initial scratches or foreign objects that have been attached since shipping from the certifying authority.
Please refrain from purchasing this item if you are nervous or if you are looking for a PSA 10 rating or higher in order to prevent problems.
For international shipping, click here.
〈They will assist with shipping to your country.In addition, please see my other card listings. You can buy them at the same time and have them shipped together.〉
My other products here.
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