Madhead:マッドヘッド Madhead HAND GUARDS WITH INDICATORS, UNIV., BLACK : 23335053 : ウェビック1号店
Madhead:マッドヘッド Madhead HAND GUARDS WITH INDICATORS, UNIV., BLACK : 23335053 : ウェビック1号店
※スマホの場合は商品情報を全て表示後【在庫確認ボタン】を押してください ■商品番号 10019605 ■商品概要 ・For mounting on double-butted handlebars, please order Installation Kit Order no. 10019729 separately. ・Colour :black. ・With 30 LEDs in the turn signal ・12 V/1.6 W LEDs Madhead Hand Guards incl. LED turn signals (e-approved): Always top protection. Includes mounting kit for all metric (external diameter:22 mm) handlebars. These aerodynamic guards protect your hands in a fall and against cold wind and rain. Suitable for aluminium handlebars with an internal diameter of 13 mm and above. ※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※ To guarantee perfect flash frequency, a special flasher (Order no. 10033844) or special resistors (Order no. 10032089) must be used for LED turn signals.
・For mounting on double-butted handlebars, please order Installation Kit Order no. 10019729 separately.
・Colour :black.
・With 30 LEDs in the turn signal
・12 V/1.6 W LEDs
Madhead Hand Guards incl. LED turn signals (e-approved):
Always top protection. Includes mounting kit for all metric (external diameter:22 mm) handlebars. These aerodynamic guards protect your hands in a fall and against cold wind and rain. Suitable for aluminium handlebars with an internal diameter of 13 mm and above.
※ To guarantee perfect flash frequency, a special flasher (Order no. 10033844) or special resistors (Order no. 10032089) must be used for LED turn signals.