写真同じです商品説明1994年にリリースされた、“ブルー・アルバム”の愛称で親しまれるWeezerのデビュー・アルバム30周年記念盤!LP4枚、10インチ EP、7インチを収録したスーパー・デラックス・ボックス・セット限定盤。アルバムはオリジナルのアナログテープから新たにリマスタリング。キッチンテープデモ8曲、初期の練習曲とライブ録音22曲、BBCラジオ録音6曲(未放送2曲)、LMUセッションから4曲を含む未発表トラック36曲:合計50トラックを収録。weezine第18号に新しいライナーノーツを掲載。リトグラフ4枚、ガレージ用のポスター、歌をテーマにしたステッカー・シート、12面ダイス、エナメル・ボックス・ピンが付属。(メーカーインフォメーションより)曲目リストDisc11.My name is Jonas/2.No one else/3.The World has turned and left me here/4.Buddy Holly/5.Undone – the Sweater song/6.Surf Wax America/7.Say it ain’t so/8.In the garage/9.Holiday/10.Only in dreamsDisc21.Say it ain’t so - Previously unreleased/2.The World has turned and left me here - Previously unreleased/3.Paperface/4.Undone – the Sweater song/5.Thief, You’ve taken all that was me - Previously unreleased/6.My name is Jonas - Previously unreleased/7.Let’s sew our pants together - Previously unreleased/8.Only in dreamsDisc31.I can’t forget this way (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased/2.Undone – the Sweater song (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased/3.The World has turned and left me here (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased/4.Windows down (Garage Practice) - Previously unreleased/5.My name is Jonas (Garage Practice)- Previously unreleased/6.Only in dreams (Garage Practice) - Previously unreleased/7.Superman (Garage Practice) - Previously unreleased/8.Dawn sets upon us (Garage Practice) - Previously unreleased/9.Just what I needed (Rehearsal Demo) - Previously unreleased/10.Buddy Holly (Rehearsal Demo) - Previously unreleasedDisc44.Let’s sew our pants together (Live at 8121 Club) - Previously unreleased/5.Paperface (Live at 8121 Club) - Previously unreleased/6.Only in dreams (Live at 8121 Club) - Previously unreleased/7.Conversationalist (Wax Cover/Adaptation) (Live at Coconut Teaszer) - Previously unreleased/8.Undone – the Sweater song (Live at English Acid) - Previously unreleased/9.My name is Jonas (Live at English Acid) - Previously unreleased/10.No one else (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleased/11.The World has turned and left me here (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleased/12.Jamie (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleasedDisc51.Lullabye for Wayne (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleased/2.Say it ain’t so (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleased/3.China Grove (Live at Club Lingerie) - Previously unreleased/4.My name is Jonas (Live on BBC Evening Sessions) - Previously unreleased/5.In the garage (Live on BBC Evening Sessions) - Previously unreleased/6.No one else (Live on BBC Evening Sessions) - Previously unreleasedDisc61.Surf Wax America (Live on BBC Evening Sessions)- Previously unreleased/2.Buddy Holly (Acoustic – Live on Greater London Radio)- Previously unreleased/3.Undone – the Sweater song (Acoustic – Live on Greater London Radio) - Previously unreleased/4.Jamie (Take 6)