ウィンストンIM6 8フィート3番です。 シリアルナンバー20000台かなり古い物になります。 90年台初期の製作と思われ、トム・モーガン時代に設計、製作されたルーミスブランクの物になります。 ロッドの状態は、使用に伴う傷はありますが、決定なダメージはございません。(私の私観です) 30年を超えるロッドですので、リールシートのニッケルシルバーのくすみなどコスメ類の経年変化があります。ご理解の上入札をお願いします。 付属品は、写真の通りロッドチューブ、ソックスが付属しますが、ソックスはオリジナルではありません。 以下に、製作時期の判定をら参考にしたユーザーフォーラムの記述を抜粋しています。 必要な写真がありましたら質問欄よりリクエストしてください。 古い物にななりますので、ご理解を頂き ノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願いします。 1989-1994/95 Winston IM6 (Loomis blanks) roughly #15,000 roughly #43,500- IM6 on the rod- were all Loomis made blanks. All rods inscribed as IM6 beginning with serial # of approx 43500 were actually made at Winston and not at Loomis….however, the first 1200-1500 rods after #43,500 were from Loomis’s remaining Winston material and resins, then after that from the new WT graphite composite (just another almost identical blend of IM6 w/ same exact tapers (Winston Purchased Loomis’s equipment and all remaining material to start making their own), but then added their own “new” resin after that stock was depleated ) and came off Winston’s production line in early 1995 and beyond. Winston’s lifetime warranty also began with serial #43500. Winston did not change the “IM6″ moniker on the rods until 2001 when they officially introduced the new WT product line name.
1989-1994/95 Winston IM6 (Loomis blanks) roughly #15,000 roughly #43,500- IM6 on the rod- were all Loomis made blanks. All rods inscribed as IM6 beginning with serial # of approx 43500 were actually made at Winston and not at Loomis….however, the first 1200-1500 rods after #43,500 were from Loomis’s remaining Winston material and resins, then after that from the new WT graphite composite (just another almost identical blend of IM6 w/ same exact tapers (Winston Purchased Loomis’s equipment and all remaining material to start making their own), but then added their own “new” resin after that stock was depleated ) and came off Winston’s production line in early 1995 and beyond. Winston’s lifetime warranty also began with serial #43500. Winston did not change the “IM6″ moniker on the rods until 2001 when they officially introduced the new WT product line name.