写真同じです1997年にシューズブランドとしてスタート。既存の枠にとらわれない発想や、深く踏込んだデザインワークをシューズはもちろんの事、遊び心のある服をテーマに国内外問わずそのデザインは注目を浴び続けている。 MIHARAYASUHIRO started as a shoe brand in 1997. Mihara’s design extracting everyone’s focus by his unique and surprising ideas. He always thinks out of box to bring people enjoy the playful theme of each garments in every collection.
MIHARAYASUHIRO started as a shoe brand in 1997. Mihara’s design extracting everyone’s focus by his unique and surprising ideas. He always thinks out of box to bring people enjoy the playful theme of each garments in every collection.